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โˆ™ 13y ago
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โˆ™ 8mo ago

The giraffe is the tallest living quadruped on earth, with adult males reaching heights of up to 18 feet. Their long necks and legs help them to reach vegetation high up in trees, making them the tallest land animals.

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Q: What is the tallest living quadruped on earth?
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What is the tallest living quadruped animal on Earth?

The giraffe is the tallest living quadruped animal on Earth, with the ability to reach heights of up to 18 feet (5.5 meters). Their long necks and legs help them to feed on leaves and browse from the tops of trees.

A sentence using the word quadruped?

A quadruped naturally outruns a biped. Even a sloth is a quadruped. A cheetah is also a quadruped.

What is the name and location of the tallest living thing?

The giraffe is the tallest living animal it lives in Africa.

What coud a dog living now and a cat living thousands of years ago have in common?

Both would be quadruped, carnivorous mammals.

Are ostrich tallest living mammals?

no, ostriches aren't even mammals. giraffes are the tallest living mammals

Who was the tallest mean on earth?

the tallest person on earth was, Robert Wadlow. He was from Alton, Illinois. He died June 1940, and at that time he measured up at the ginormous height of 8feet and 11.1 inches, almost 9 feet tall. sadly cause of his height, he didnt live long.but the tallest living person on earth is, Radhouane Charbib. he measures up at 7feet 8.9inches, nearly a foot and a half shorter than the tallest man ever on earth.

What is a good sentence for quadruped?

My dog is a quadruped.

What does the giraffe symbolize in Japan?

It does not symbolize anything in particular, being an African, not a Japanese, animal.

When was The Tallest Man on Earth born?

The Tallest Man on Earth was born on 1983-04-30.

Can you use a sentence with he word quadruped in it?

A quadruped is an animal that has four feet. Stan drew a picture of a dog, which is a quadruped.

What is the tallest living thing in the world?

The tallest living thing is a redwood tree, the tallest one commonly referred to as the 'Stratosphere Giant', this tree measures at 370 ft. tall.

What is the name of the tallest man?

Robert Wadlow is the tallest man that died. Sultan Kรถsen is the the tallest man living.