It depends on what type of raptors you are referring to.
One of the tallest raptor birds is the Secretarybird of sub-Saharan Africa, which stands at about 4 ft. tall and has a wingspan of about 6ft.
The Andean Condor is the raptor ad bird with the largest wingspan (10ft.) and also is around 4 ft. tall (40-50 in.)
The tallest dinosaur raptors are Utahraptor and Achillobator, both around 20 ft. tall.
The tallest player for the Toronto Raptors is Aleksandar Radojevic was 7'3'' and played a total of 24 minutes for the Raptors in the 1999-2000 season.
The tallest raptor known is the Haast's eagle, which had a wingspan of up to 3 meters (9.8 feet) and stood about 1 meter (3.3 feet) tall. This extinct bird of prey lived in New Zealand and primarily fed on the flightless moa birds.
Utahraptor was one of the largest raptor dinosaurs, reaching lengths of over 20 feet and weighing around 1,000 pounds. While it was a formidable predator, there were other raptor species, such as Deinonychus and Velociraptor, that were also strong and well-adapted.
A raptor is a consumer because it obtains energy by consuming other organisms. Raptor species are carnivores that hunt and eat other animals to survive.
How the heck should I know??????
Ray Ray is the tallest member of Mindless Behavior.
The complete subject is "the tallest contestant."
I know it is the F22 raptor
If your solenoid is bad on your atv raptor it will just click when trying to start it
As far as I know there has never been a 180. For 09, Yamaha replaced the 80 Raptor with replaced a 90 and there is a 250, 350 and a 700 Raptor. See link below.
The secretary bird is definitely the tallest bird of prey (Raptor) not just in Africa but in the whole world!It grows well over 4 feet tall & eats almost anything! CONSERVATION STATUSLEAST CONCERN
i dont know D:
The tallest I know of is Taylor Swift and she is 5'11" :)
i dont really know
The cast of Raptor Raptor - 2013 includes: Brandon Alexander III as Raptor Haley Mancini as Raptor
Scientists don't know the colors of raptor dinosaurs. Thus, we don't know whether the juveniles even had different colors than the adults.
i know space is letter a then esc is letter b
I'm not an ATV rider, but as far as I know the 350 Raptor does not come with an hour meter on it. You have to put one on from aftermarket products.
the tallest midget is a guy who is 3 feet tall..ish I don't know who, but the tallest you can be and still be considered ''an official midget'' is 4'10''.