The tallest sunflower on record measured 30 feet and 1 inch (9.17 meters) tall. It was grown in Germany in 2014.
The Yukon, St Eleis Mountain range, Mount Logan.
As of 2021, the tallest Hispanic person is believed to be Jorge Gonzalez, an Argentine former professional basketball player who stands at 7 feet 7 inches tall.
The tallest baby ever recorded was a baby boy born in Canada in 1879, who reportedly measured 30 inches (76 cm) at birth.
The tallest moose ever recorded stood 7.6 feet (2.3 meters) at the shoulders.
well its 25 ft and 6 inches!
The tallest sunflower measured 30 feet and 1 inch and was grown in Germany in 2014.
The tallest established breed is probably American Giant Hybrid.
the sunflower sea star
The Mammoth Russian Sunflower- it grows to about 12-15 feet tall
Mount Logan. is tallest in Canada, second tallest in North America.
Ligao is the Sunflower Capital of the Philippines. Altona is the Sunflower Capital of Canada. Hearne is the Sunflower Capital of Texas.
list of tall women Canada
The tallest sunflower on record measured 30 feet and 1 inch (9.17 meters) tall. It was grown in Germany in 2014.
the world record for the tallest sunflower was 7.76 m (25 ft 5 in)
The tallest is the Giraffe, average height to 17 feet. The tallest male recorded reached a height of 20 feet