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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 2w ago

A conductor in a solution is referred to as an electrolyte. Electrolytes are substances that dissociate into ions when dissolved in a solvent, allowing them to conduct electricity. Examples include salts, acids, and bases.

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Q: What is the term of a conductor in a form of a solution?
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Is sodium bromide a conductor?

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Is chlorine a poor conductor?

Chlorine is a poor conductor of electricity in its pure form. However, when dissolved in water, it forms an electrolyte solution which can conduct electricity. In this form, it is commonly used in swimming pools for water disinfection.

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This solution is not a good conductor.

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The term is "resistance." Resistance is the hindrance that a conductor creates to the flow of electric current, causing energy to be dissipated in the form of heat.

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It is a substance that does not readily ionize when dissolved or melted and is a poor conductor of electricity and is a substance that does exist in an ionic form in an aqueous solution.

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No, salt is not a conductor of electricity when it is in solid form. However, when dissolved in water, salt dissociates into ions which can then conduct electricity.

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Why is NaCl and KI a conductor of electricity?

In dry or crystalline form, salt (Sodium Chloride) is a poor conductor. But when it is dissolved in water, the sodium forms Na+ ions and the Chlorine forms Cl- ions. With these extra ions in the water, it is easy for electrons to be carried through the solution and current to flow.

What is the plural form of conductor in spanish?

The plural form of "conductor" in Spanish is "conductores."

What does the term conductor mean?

A conductor is a material or object that allows the flow of electrical current. In the context of music, a conductor is a person who leads and coordinates a musical performance by directing the musicians.

Is chlorine a conductor of electricity?

No. (non metal).