that would be the prong horned antelope and is capable of reaching speeds of 54 mph
The cheetah is the fastest land animal on Earth, capable of reaching speeds up to 70 mph in short bursts.
The fastest land animal in Australia is the red kangaroo, reaching speeds of up to 70 km/h (43 mph) in short bursts to evade predators.
The peregrine falcon is the fastest animal in the air, reaching speeds of over 240 mph.
The ostrich is the fastest animal in the Sahara Desert. The ostrich can run at speeds of 40-45 miles per hour and is the third fastest land animal in the world behind the cheetah and the pronghorn.
While the cheetah has the reputation of being the fastest animal on land, both fish and birds have been clocked at higher speeds. The black marlin has been clocked at speeds up to 80 mph while the frigate bird can fly at 90 mph. The Peregrine falcon can dive at speeds close to 200 mph.
the cheetah is the fastest land animal
No, the fastest animal on land is th cheetah.
A quarter horse is the 6th fastest land animal.
the 2nd fastest animal in air, land, and water is the white-throated needletail (that's a bird) at 105 mphswift-106 mphThe second fastest land animal in the world is the North American pronghorn antelope.On Land: Pronghorn Antelope taking second after the CheetahIn Sky: White-Throated Needletail in second after the Peregrine Falcon
Yes. They are the fastest land animal.
The pronghorn of North America is the second fastest land animal behind the cheetah.
The cheetah is classified as the world's fastest land animal.
the fastest land animal is cheeta!
the fastest animal on land is the cheetah
The fastest running land animal is the cheetah, which can reach speeds of up to 60-70 miles per hour in short bursts.
No, Cheetahs are the fastest land animal on earth
Yesit is the fastest land dwelling animal