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Divide mass by density to get volume....So 300/0.88 --> 340.91 mL

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2w ago

The volume of 300 g of benzene can be calculated by dividing the mass by the density. In this case, 300 g / 0.88 g/mL = 341.35 mL. Therefore, the volume of 300 g of benzene is 341.35 mL.

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Q: What is the volume of 300 g benzene if it has a density of 0.88 grams per mL?
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How many ounces in one anchovy filet?

One anchovy filet typically weighs around 0.07 ounces.

How long would it take to walk to the North Pole from the moon?

The Earth is approximately 239,000 miles from the moon. Assuming a person walks an average of 3 miles an hour, and takes no breaks, just keeps walking, and supposing a person could walk through the vacuum of space, then 239,000miles/3 = 79,667 hours. We then divide 79,667 by 24 to convert this figure to days and get 3,319 days. 3,319 divided by 365.25 (the number of days in a year) leaves us with 9.088 years. So the answer is approximately 9 years + (365 x .088). 9 years and 32 days, assuming a steady pace of 3 mph.

What are isotopes and list the isotopes for uranium?

Isotopes are atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons in their nucleus. For uranium, the most abundant isotopes are uranium-238 and uranium-235. Uranium-238 is the most common, making up about 99.3% of natural uranium, while uranium-235 is less common but important for nuclear reactors and weapons.

How can you know Isotopes of uranium?

Uranium has three natural isotopes: 234, 235 and 238 and many artificial isotope.Uranium isotopes list is:Nr. crt.Izotopul/Izomerul Masa atomică relativă 1. 217U 217,024 368 791 ± 0,000 093 262 2. 218U 218,023 535 671 ± 0,000 032 763 3. 219U 219,024 919 160 ± 0,000 060 946 4.*220U 220,024 723# ± 0,000 215# 5. 221U 221,026 399# ± 0,000 110# 6. 222U 222,026 086# ± 0,000 108# 7. 223U 223,027 738 600 ± 0,000 076 347 8. 224U 224,027 604 778 ± 0,000 027 176 9. 225U 225,029 390 717 ± 0,000 012 428 10. 226U 226,029 338 702 ± 0,000 013 999 11. 227U 227,031 156 367 ± 0,000 018 104 12. 228U 228,031 374 006 ± 0,000 016 051 13. 229U 229,033 505 939 ± 0,000 006 396 14. 230U 230,033 939 784 ± 0,000 005 110 15. 231U 231,036 293 704 ± 0,000 003 242 16. 232U 232,037 156 152 ± 0,000 002 365 17. 233U 233,039 635 207 ± 0,000 002 904 18. **234U 234,040 952 088 ± 0,000 001 96019. **235U 235,043 929 918 ± 0,000 001 957 20. 235mU „ 21. 236U 236,045 568 006 ± 0,000 001 960 22. 237U 237,048 730 184 ± 0,000 002 019 23. **238U 238,050 788 247 ± 0,000 002 044 24. 238m1U „ 25. 238m2U „ 26. 239U 239,054 293 299 ± 0,000 002 052 27. 240U 240,056 591 988 ± 0,000 005 533 28. 241U 241,060 330# ± 0,000 320# 29. 242U 242,062 931# ± 0,000 215# 30. ***243U 243,067 36 not surely confirmed31. ***244U 244,069 95 not surely confirmed