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Not enough information. You would also have to know either the volume, or the density, of the object.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 1mo ago

The volume of the object is equal to the difference in weight when submerged in water and when in air, divided by the density of water. Using the formula: Volume = (Weight in air - Weight in water) / Density of water, we have Volume = (10g - 8g) / 1 g/cm^3 = 2 cm^3.

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Q: What is the volume of a 10 gram object if it weighs 8 grams under water?
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An object with a mass of 6000 grams means that it has a weight equivalent to 6 kilograms. Mass refers to the amount of matter in an object, and in this case, the object weighs 6000 grams when measured under the force of gravity.

How much would someone weigh under water?

It depends on the density of the object that weighs one pound, and how much of it is under water. The object will weight 1lb - water density * object volume under water; If the object is on average is less dense the water (i.e. is buoyant), and is allowed to swim, its weight will be 0 because proportion of its volume under water will compensate gravity exactly.

How do you calculate the density of an irregularly shaped object that floats in water?

If an object floats in water, we can immediately conclude that it is less dense than the water. So, we've already gained a bit of information. But can we learn more? Yes. We can further "ballpark" our estimate of the object's density through additional observation and deduction. About how much of the object is submerged? If, say, 75 percent of the object is under water, we can then say that its relative density -- that is, its specific gravity -- is about 0.75. In other words, it has a density of 0.75 grams per milliliter or, equivalently, 0.75 grams per cubic centimeter. (Note that the density of water is 1.00 gram per milliliter.) But can we do better? I think so. If we measure the volume of water displaced by the object when it is placed into the container of water, we can calculate the weight of the object, because its weight will be equal to the weight of the water it displaces. If the floating object displaces, say, 100 milliliters of water, then we know it weighs 100 grams, because, as noted above, the density of water is one gram per milliliter. But we're not done. To calculate an object's density, we must know its volume as well as its mass. From the measurement above, we know the object's weight , but we don't know its volume, mainly because of its irregular shape. But if we carefully push the object completely under water, it will displace an amount of water equal to its volume. Let's say that when we submerge the object fully, it displaces 130 milliliters of water. We therefore conclude that its volume is 130 milliliters, which is equal to 130 cubic centimeters. Since the object weighs 100 grams and has a volume of 130 cubic centimeters, its density is 100 grams/130 cubic centimeters = 0.769 g/cm3.

Why can't we measure the volume of an object if it floats on water?

Simply because the volume of water displaced is not equal to the actual volume of the object. If an object is lighter than water, you have to find another method of determining its volume. ------------------------------------ alternatively you could use a very thin pin to push the object under the water. However, the volume of the submerged portion of the pin would need to be suvtracted from the volume of the object measured.

How do you find volume of an object by overflow can?

First pour water into the can until it overflows and drains. Next place an object into the overflow can, being careful not to spill. Place a beaker under the overflow can to collect the water that is displaced by the object. Record the volume in millimeters of the displaced water. This is the volume of the object.

How do you measure the volume of a regular object?

To measure the volume of a regular object, determine the length, width, and height of the object. Multiply these three dimensions together to calculate the volume in cubic units.

How much does vinegar weigh?

That depends on how much you have!! A gallon of vinegar weighs more than a teaspoon of it. You are probably asking about the density of vinegar -- how much it weighs per unit volume. As it turns out, the density of vinegar is only slightly greater than plain water. For common cooking vinegars with about five percent acetic acid, the denisty is 1.01 grams per milliter, which is mathematically equal to 1.01 kilograms per liter. If those units are foreign to you, consider that a gallon of water weighs 8.34 pounds. Since vinegar is about one percent denser, a gallon of vinegar weighs about 8.42 pounds.

What is weight under water when box has dimensions of 160cm and weighs 240g?

Literal answer : 240 grams. A box with dimensions of 160 cm is just a line with no width nor height. For a box with a volume of 160 cm cubed : just subtract 160 from 240.

100mL of water weights how much?

100 ml of pure water under standard conditions has 100 grams of mass. Consequently, on Earth, it weighs 0.98 newtons (about 3.53 ounces).

What is the volume of 123.67 grams of water?

Under normal conditions the volume would be 123.67 cubic centimeters as the density of water is 1 gm per cc

Should a soccer ball be light?

An official (adult) ball weighs just under 1 pound (410 to 450 grams).

How do you determine the volume of an irregularly shaped object that floats?

You can push it under water / under the liquid's surface, and measure the displacement of liquid.