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From the spelling and general erudition of the question, we must assume, although it's not clearly stated, that the 75 N is the person's weight on earth.

Weight (gravitational force) is directly proportional to the local acceleration of gravity.

If the gravitational force is 75 N on earth, and the gravitational acceleration is increased by a factor of 2.5, then the new gravitational force is also 2.5 times as great = (75 x 2.5) = 187.5 Newtons.

By the way, this guy has to be the Eddie Arcaro among astronauts, obviously selected for the Jupiter mission because of his extremely economical use of rocket fuel on the way.

The guy weighs 75 Newton = a little less than 17 pounds !

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14y ago
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1mo ago

On Jupiter, the acceleration due to gravity is approximately 2.5 times greater than on Earth. Therefore, the weight of a 75 N person on Jupiter would be 75 N * 2.5 = 187.5 N.

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13y ago

On Jupiter, you'd weigh 175.50 pounds.

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9y ago

2.5 times heavier than the Earth

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Q: What is the weight of a 75 N person on Jupiter if the acceleration due to gravity is approximately 2 and a half times greater than on Earth?
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