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  • If an older child is raising their younger sibling on a fairly constant basis it robs the older child of their private lives with friends and doing things that they should be doing in order to look back on life full of memories of their childhood. Often the older child may come resentful if they are looked upon as a constant babysitter. If the parents are not around and the older sibling is under the age of 18 (no longer a minor) then relatives should be brought in to help look after both of them.
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Q: What kinds of problems might arise from an older child trying to raise a younger?
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What is Krakatoa altitude?

The Krakatoa that erupted altitude was 813 m when it was erupted. 40 years after it erupted, arise new volcano called Krakatoa Child. It's a growing mountain, grow for 4 cm every year. Today the Krakatoa Child altitude is 230 m

What are the 5 relationships of filial piety?

The five relationships of filial piety in Confucianism are: between ruler and subject, husband and wife, parent and child, older sibling and younger sibling, and friend and friend. These relationships are based on a hierarchical structure where individuals have specific duties and responsibilities towards each other. The concept emphasizes respect, obedience, and duty within these relationships.

Is a toddler older than a adolescent?

No, a toddler is younger than an adolescent. A toddler typically refers to a child between the ages of 1 and 3, while an adolescent is generally considered to be between the ages of 10 and 19.

How does a child show curiosity?

A child shows curiosity by asking questions, exploring their surroundings, trying new things, and showing interest in learning about the world around them. They may seek out new experiences, engage in imaginative play, and exhibit a natural sense of wonder and awe.

What problems will child suffer if a boy with blood group A positive marries a girl with blood group A negative?

If a boy with blood group A positive marries a girl with blood group A negative, their offspring may inherit one A allele from each parent. This means the child could have blood group A, which poses no health risks. However, if the child inherits the Rh factor from the father (positive) and the mother (negative), the child might have Rh incompatibility if the mother's blood enters the baby's bloodstream, which can lead to health issues in future pregnancies.

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If an issue is not dealt with, the are many problems that can arise. For example, if a child's anger management issues are not dealt with at a young age, it may lead to increased violence as an adult.

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Some problems might arise if a parent is inconsistent in his/her style. The child might become confused as to what he/she needs to do. The child might not understand when the parent is being serious, or is joking. The ever changing atmosphere in the house can surely be detrimental to a child.

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Can a test for ADHD at the age of 15?

alot of children are diagnosed younger i have two sons with adhd one was diagnosed at 11 the other at 12. you can be diagnosed at any age buy it's better the younger the child so problems can be sorted out before they get classed as just another naughty child which of course they are 'nt if you think you or your child has this problem them you should get your gp to refer them to the right clinic.

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No. The obligation of child support does not arise or become enforceable until a child is born.

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The oldest child.

Do younger women make better mothers?

I think that younger woman meke better mothers because they are closer to the age of their child. If an older lady has a child, they will not remember as much as younger women remember about the things that happened to them. It is harder for them to change what happened to them as a child. Not like that wiht a younger woman!!

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I think that younger woman meke better mothers because they are closer to the age of their child. If an older lady has a child, they will not remember as much as younger women remember about the things that happened to them. It is harder for them to change what happened to them as a child. Not like that wiht a younger woman!!

If your marriage have four years and no child what do?

If you have been trying for a child all this time, then one of you might have fertility problems. Or it might just be blind dumb luck. But if you really want a child, fraternity has worked wonders on many couples.

Was Helen the only child?

no she had younger siblings