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9mo ago

The term "radius" comes from Latin. It originally referred to a spoke of a wheel or the ray of light, and then later evolved to represent a line segment connecting the center of a circle to a point on its circumference.

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Q: What language does radius come from?
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What language does the radius come from?

it comes from the language Latin

Which language does radius come from?

it comes from the Latin language

What language does the word radius come from?

Latin. It means "ray" but also the spoke of a chariot wheel. The plural of radius is radii.

What language did the word radious come from?

None, since there is no such word as "radious". Radius, however, come from Latin.

What language did th word radius come from?

The word has Latin origins and means staff, rod, spoke or beam

What language does the word radius from?

it comes from the language Latin

What origin does the word radius come from?

Radius is from the Latin root word radius, spoke of a wheel, a staff, a beam of light.

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What language does the word radio originate from?

Originally, Latin, from radius and similar.

What language did radius come from?

It comes from latin 'radius', meaning "ray" but also the spoke of a chariot wheel. The plural in English is radii (as in Latin), but radiuses can be used, though it rarely is. Just look it up on wikipedia, man. Don't let others do the work for you, if you can just google it.

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Yes, English language come from an Albanian language.

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