It works off of a base unit of 10 and multiples of such. Making it easier to divide and multiply and work with than the American standard which works off of a different number. (I think it's 4 or 12?)
The magic number in the metric system is 10. It is considered magical because of the system's use of powers of 10 for easy conversion between units. This makes calculations and conversions simpler and more efficient compared to other measurement systems.
A meter is a measure of LENGTH - a meter being just over three US feet. It is, of course, a unit of the METRIC system. There are 100 CENTI-meters in a meter, and 1000 meters makes one KILO-meter.Lenght
Automation, collaboration, and efficient time management.
There are many different occasions when a person would want to measure the temperature using the metric system. For example, if a friend from the UK wanted to know the temperature at one's house in Wisconsin, it would be polite to convert the temperature to Celsius so that it makes sense to one's friend.
what makes an organ system
Zephyr 2.0 is one such system. It tracks and updates metrics thereby making the testers' job less cumbersome.
It makes it more efficient. It makes it more efficient.
Because the metric system uses units of 10's to measure which makes things simple.
a hydroelectric dam is efficient because it generates power
CONVENIENCE Makes the computer more conveninet to use. EFFICIENCY Allows computer system resourses to be used in an efficient manner ABILITY TO EVOLVE Permit effective devolopment,testing,and introduction of new system functions without interfering with services. TIME SHARING opreating system schedule task for efficient use of memory
it makes it more efficient
The beetle is a fuel efficient car. 25 in the city and 32 on the highway makes is fuel efficient.
The basic effect is that strength training makes the neuromuscular system more efficient. This is particularly apparent in the first few months of strength training when trainees typically notice their workout weights rising quickly. This is not primarily because their muscles are getting bigger; it is primarily because their neuromuscular system is becoming more efficient. .
Any brand labeled with the Energy Star seal is an energy efficient system. There are many brands that are great choices.To heat efficiently, install a programmable thermostat, and have your equipment inspected yearly. The most inportant factor to look for is Energy Star Complaince. The government has set the standar for efficient heating ssystems,i would order from Sears.
Read your text book and stop cheating!
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