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  • Genetic code -- DNA or RNA; copies passed down from parents to offspring.
  • Grows & develops -- Ex. Seed to Plant or Egg&sperm to fetus to infant to child to adult.
  • Responds to stimuli -- signal that causes a response.
  • Reproduce -- Produce new organism; sexually: 2 parents mate to form new organism. and Asexually: Single organism produce identical offspring by itself.
  • Homeostasis -- stable internal environment.
  • Use material & energy -- Take in materials to help you grow, develop & reproduce.
  • Made up of cell(s) -- smallest unit of life.
  • Evolve -- Species changing over a long period of time. changes happen over hundreds or thousands of years.
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4mo ago

Living things are characterized by a set of features, such as the ability to grow, reproduce, respond to stimuli, adapt to their environment, and maintain homeostasis. These essential characteristics differentiate living organisms from non-living entities. Additionally, living things are made up of cells, which are the fundamental units of life and carry out all the necessary functions for the organism to survive.

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12y ago

The four things that make something alive are: it needs to reproduce, have cells, grow and develop, and respond to the environment.

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things that change are things are alive or were alive. anything really. wood can rot over time and plastic can melt.

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