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Third quarter moon

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Q: What moon phase occurs when the Sun Earth and Moon form a right triangle and the Moon is moving toward the Sun?
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Why is the Andromeda galaxy moving toward earth?

Sorry, Andromeda and earth are moving away from each other, not towards each other.

Why are the winds moving toward the equator deflected to the left?

The Coriolis effect, caused by the rotation of the Earth, deflects winds moving towards the equator to the left in the northern hemisphere and to the right in the southern hemisphere. This deflection occurs because different parts of the rotating Earth move at different speeds. It influences the direction of moving objects, including winds, and causes them to curve rather than going in a straight line.

Which has a higher frequency a star moving away from earth or towards earth?

A star moving towards Earth would have a higher frequency due to the Doppler effect, which causes the light waves to be compressed and the frequency to increase. This shift to higher frequencies is known as blue shift.

Is the Black Eye galaxy moving toward away or neither from Earth?

The Black Eye galaxy, also known as M64, is moving away from Earth due to the expansion of the universe. As such, the galaxy is getting further from us over time.

Are most volcanoes on land caused by the earths plates moving away from each other or moving toward each other?

Most volcanoes on land are caused by the Earth's plates moving toward each other, a process known as convergent plate boundary. When two plates converge, the denser oceanic plate subducts beneath the less dense continental plate, leading to the formation of volcanoes along the subduction zone.