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I may be taking your question the wrong way, but it appears you are confused about Executor and Executrix. Executor is male and Executrix is female. It's quite common for someone leaving a Will to name 2 or more people as an Executor or Executrix. The reason for this is by the time the person dies one of the Executors or Executrix's may have passed on themselves; too ill to take on the responsibility or have the legal right to deny carrying the Executor or Executrix duties out. Each Heir in the Will should legally get a copy of that Will. If this hasn't happened you only have to contact the lawyer the Executor/Executrix is seeing and ask for a copy. It will all come out in the wash because ALL Wills have to be Probated. Probated means that all debts have to be paid off, plus taxes on any properties, homes and personal taxes. Once this is done then it's up to the Executor or Executrix to keep all receipts and expenditures up to date and usually do so by simple bookkeeping methods which then can be approved by a CGA or by a lawyer. After the Will has been probated the lawyer will have their office contact the Heirs and call them in and hand out the monies or property rights to those involved.

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3mo ago

An executor may choose to become the executrix to prove a will and not notify the other executors if they believe the others are unable or unwilling to fulfill their duties. This may be due to personal conflicts, lack of trust, or a desire to streamline the process without involving others. However, it is important to follow legal and ethical protocols when dealing with such matters.

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