Lunch time is typically considered to be during the daytime, which would make it before noon, so it falls under the AM (ante-meridiem) period.
Noon EDT time in New York is at 12:00 PM. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) is UTC-4 hours.
If it's noon in Illinois, it's also noon in Eastern Time since Illinois is in the Eastern Time Zone.
12 noon in 24-hour time is 12:00.
AM stands for ante meridiem, which is Latin for "before noon." It refers to the time period from midnight to noon.
Maybe noon, it's a common time for lunch.
In about noon as everyone they eat lunch
Lunch. Brunch is more about at a 10:00 time.
Usually, in the morning for breakfast, noon for lunch, and later in the evening for dinner.
Since it is afternoon he has already eaten his lunch. (past tense). She will have eaten her lunch around noon time. (future tense).
It is lunch, dinner, or supper
you should feed your beardie around noon lunch time