Troy Ounce
The SI unit used to measure a person's weight is the kilogram (kg).
1222222222232324732643463746723 pounds
mL stands for milliliters, which is a unit of volume used to measure liquids. It does not directly measure weight.
A scale or a balance would be used to measure weight in pounds.
Troy Ounce
The SI unit used to measure a person's weight is the kilogram (kg).
The Newton. However, "weight" and "mass" are often confused; if you want a person's mass, that would be measured in kilograms.
Most people measure their height in feet and inches
A kcal, or kilocalorie, is a unit of energy used in nutrition to measure the amount of energy or heat produced by foods. It does not have a physical weight, as it is a unit of energy, not mass.
The Watt is the unit used to measure electric power :)
1222222222232324732643463746723 pounds
The SI unit used to measure mass is kilograms. It is written as Kg.
mL stands for milliliters, which is a unit of volume used to measure liquids. It does not directly measure weight.
Ampere is the unit used to measure the current.
Degrees are used to measure angles.
Class room can be measure in Meters easily :)