Kilograms are a unit of mass, while meters are a unit of length. The two units measure different things and cannot be directly converted into each other.
A meter is bigger than a gram. A meter is a unit of length that measures distance, while a gram is a unit of mass that measures weight.
The metric unit that measures the length of your finger is typically in centimeters (cm).
A hectare is a unit of area, not volume. It measures 10,000 square meters. If you want to convert the area of a hectare to volume, you would need to know the depth of the space you are considering.
The usual units of measure are; Astronomical Unit (AU) Light year Parsec
The unit that measures wave frequency is hertz (Hz).
The unit that measures the amount of energy released by nutrients is the calorie.
Kilograms are a unit of mass, while meters are a unit of length. The two units measure different things and cannot be directly converted into each other.
A meter is bigger than a gram. A meter is a unit of length that measures distance, while a gram is a unit of mass that measures weight.
The unit that measures electrical resistance is called ohm. It is represented by the symbol Ω.
Pounds and kilometers are measures of different things. A pound is a unit of measurement for mass or force, while a kilometer is a unit of measurement for length.
The unit measures 46 inches long by 30 inches wide by 55.25 inches tall (117 by 76 by 140 centimeters)
472 kg is a unit of mass. It represents the amount of matter in an object, while volume measures the amount of space an object occupies.
1 square unit
It is degrees.