Metres, to measure its length or width, square metres to measure its area.
Any unit of area, such as square meters, hectares, square kilometers, etc.
First you need to decide what PROPERTY of the ear you want to measure: its length, its area, its mass, its surface area, etc.
Square feet is a common unit used to measure the area of a room in a house. It provides a good measure of the total floor space available within the room.
A square meter of water would not be measured in gallons, as gallons are a measure of volume, while square meters are a measure of area. It would depend on the depth of the water in the square meter area to calculate the volume in gallons.
Cubic kilometres.
square kilometers
This depends on what unit you are using to measure in. However, area will always be measure in (unit)^2.
You would use area. I would use the meter2. Okay
The metric unit of the meter would be the appropriate measure of the area of classroom. Calculating area involves multiplying the length (in meters) of the classroom's length and width. Area of the classroom would be in square (^2) meters.
Square feet. ************************* I would use centimetres to give the area in square centimetres.
Square metre.
square inches
acres, hectares, yards2, meters2, etc.
Metres, to measure its length or width, square metres to measure its area.