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It was Ptolemy's model. Ptolemy's model came from ancient times while Copernicus's was much later (1543).Both models represented the planets' orbits by using combinations of circles and epicycles to explain the way the planets move among the stars.Copernicus found that the orbits of the inner planets could be explained more simply. That is to say that the epicycles used for all the orbits were smaller, and for the inner planets a lot smaller.Both models represented the planets' positions with reasonable accuracy given the crude observational methods used in those days.Until gravity and the laws of dynamics were discovered about 150 years after the publication of Copernicus's system, there was no way of deciding which model was the 'right' one.

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Q: What was the the model solar system that was thought to be correct before Copernicus?
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How current models of the solar system differ from either Aristotle or Copernicus model?

Aristotle had thought that the Earth was the Geo-centric or the center of the universe and everything circled or revolved around it. Copernicus thought that the Sun is the center of the universe. Copernicus' idea is called Helios-centric.

What did Nicolaus Copernicus think your solar system was?

Nicolaus Copernicus proposed that the Sun, not the Earth, was the center of the solar system and that the planets, including Earth, revolved around the Sun in circular orbits. This heliocentric model challenged the prevailing geocentric view of the time.

What is a sentence for heliocentric?

Ptolemy thought that the Earth was the center of solar system and most people believed this theory. But Copernicus thought that the Sun was the center of solar system and most people didn't believed this theory. Who was right? Copernicus was right because later Galileo prove that if the Earth was at the center then he couldn't see the phases of Venus. Sentences for heliocentric. Galileo proved that the Copernicus's theory which was heliocentric was right.

Is Copernicus theory correct?

No physical theory is completely correct, because measurements always have a built-in error that you hope is small. But Copernicus's theory explaining in detail how the planets move was accurate enough for its time and was only found lacking later when observational techniques became sufficiently refined to show its errors. In modern times we have better theories for planetary orbits but Copernicus's general idea that all the planets orbit round the Sun is now generally accepted since Newton's theoretical discoveries, which were applied to showed that the Sun is far more massive than anything else in the solar system.

How are ptolemy and copernicus' ideas about the universe different from each other?

Ptolemy and Copernicus' ideas about the universe are different from each other in the sense that Ptolemy thought that every celestial object as well as the sun and the moon orbited the Earth whereas Copernicus had the thought that all planets orbited the Sun, while the Moon orbited the Earth.

Related questions

Who prposed a sun-centered solar system?

Copernicus, but I'm sure there was an ancient Greek who thought of it before he did.

What was Copernicus belief of how the solar system was set?

He thought that the sun was the center

What did copernicus descover?

Copernicus was the first to propose the Heliocentric theory, the correct theory that the Sun, not the Earth, is the center of the solar system.

What European astronomer who first thought the sun was the enter of the solar system?


When did scientists discover that the earth is not the center of your solar system?

In the 16th century, Copernicus proposed the heliocentric model that placed the Sun at the center of the solar system, not the Earth. This model was further supported by Galileo's observations using a telescope in the early 17th century.

What is Nickolaus Copernicus famous for?

Copernicus was the first scientist to postulate that our solar system was heliocentric. Until that time, everyone "knew" that the earth was the center of the solar system - everything else, including the sun, revolved around the earth. Copernicus got considerable grief for his views, and it was several more centuries before it was universally accepted that he was correct - the solar system is heliocentric.

Withch European Astronomer thought the sun was in the middle of the solar system?

Nikolas Copernicus

How current models of the solar system differ from either Aristotle or Copernicus model?

Aristotle had thought that the Earth was the Geo-centric or the center of the universe and everything circled or revolved around it. Copernicus thought that the Sun is the center of the universe. Copernicus' idea is called Helios-centric.

How is Copernicus' description of the system of planets different from ptolemys description?

Ptolemy thought the earth was the center of the solar system (Otherwise known as the Geocentric theory) and Copernicus's idea was that the sun was at the center of the solar system (Heliocentric theroy).

How is Copernicus description of the system of planets different from Ptolemy description?

Ptolemy thought the earth was the center of the solar system (Otherwise known as the Geocentric theory) and Copernicus's idea was that the sun was at the center of the solar system (Heliocentric theroy).

What did Copernicus prove to mankind?

Copernicus proved to mankind that the sun was the center of the universe, not the Earth. We know now that he was mostly correct. The sun is the center of the solar system.

What was the greatest inaccuracy in Copernicus model of the solar system?

Copernicus mistakenly thought that our earth was the center of our universe, with the sun and other planets orbiting earth.