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things about his study in gravity and his other interests no one knew about while he was alive.

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Q: What were Isaac Newton's posthumous publications?
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What were newtons after death publications?

Newton's posthumous publications was The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended, The System of the World, first draft of Principia, Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel and lastly the Apocalypse of St. John.

Who invented Newtons?

Isaac Newton invented Newtons.

What is isaac newtons nationality?

isaac newtons nationality was english,iloveyou isaac newton!

What was Isaac newtons accomplishments?

what was isaac newtons accomplsihments.? what was isaac newtons accomplsihments.?

Who proposed Isaac Newtons theories?

Isaac Newton itself.

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Isaac Newtons discoveries?

Isaac Newton is famous for his laws of motion, his work in optics, and his development of calculus. His discoveries laid the foundation for classical mechanics and modern physics. Newton's groundbreaking theories revolutionized our understanding of how the universe works.

What kind of dog was isaac newton's?

Isaac newtons dog was called Chumpo. Isaac newtons dog was called Chumpo. Isaac newtons dog was called Chumpo. Isaac newtons dog was called Chumpo.

What were Newton's posthumous publications?

things about his study in gravity and his other interests no one knew about while he was alive.

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Who is Isaac newtons mum?

Margret Newton

What were Isaac newtons qualifications? Physics