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Acceleration is the word that represents the rate at which velocity changes with time. It is a vector quantity that can be caused by factors such as gravity or changes in the mass or velocity of an object.

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Q: What word is the definition of the rate velocity changes with time gravity mass velocity or acceleration?
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Is it possible for a body to have zero velocity and non-zero acceleration?

Yes, it is possible for a body to have zero velocity and non-zero acceleration. This would occur when a body changes direction (such as at the top of a projectile's arc) while its speed is momentarily zero, resulting in non-zero acceleration due to the change in velocity.

Is the acceleration due to gravity always pointing vertically downward even for an object whose velocity is vertically upward?

Yes, the acceleration due to gravity always points vertically downward, regardless of the direction of an object's velocity. This is because gravity is a force that attracts objects towards the center of the Earth.

How could an object accelerate while still traveling at a constant speed?

An object can accelerate while traveling at a constant speed if it changes direction. Acceleration is a vector quantity that includes changes in speed, direction, or both. So, even if an object's speed remains constant, as long as its direction changes, it can still be accelerating.

Why do you say that an object falling toward the earth is accelerating?

Because the constant force of gravity is acting on it, and the acceleration of an object is equal to(net force acting on the object) divided by (the object's mass).

Is acceleration always in the same direction as the unbalanced force?

No, acceleration and the unbalanced force do not always have to be in the same direction. Acceleration is the result of the net force acting on an object, which could be in any direction depending on the balance of forces. If there is an unbalanced force in one direction, the acceleration will be in the same direction.

Related questions

What is the acceleration of an object that reache terminal velocity?

When an object reaches terminal velocity, its acceleration becomes zero. Terminal velocity occurs when the drag force acting on the object equals the force of gravity pulling it downwards, resulting in no net force and thus no acceleration.

What is the effect of gravity on velocity?

Gravity affects velocity by changing the acceleration of an object. As an object falls, gravity accelerates it, increasing its velocity. Without gravity, an object would move at a constant velocity.

Why does gravity change velocity?

Gravity changes velocity because it accelerates objects towards the Earth at a rate of 9.81 m/s^2. As objects fall, their velocity increases due to this gravitational acceleration. Conversely, when objects move against gravity, such as when thrown upwards, gravity decreases their velocity until they eventually stop and fall back down.

In what ways is a bouncing ball accelerating?

A bouncing ball accelerates when it changes its velocity as it moves upward or downward due to the force of gravity. The acceleration occurs as the ball changes its speed and/or direction with each bounce.

What causes variation in velocity of particle?

Variation in velocity of a particle can be caused by external forces acting on the particle, such as gravity or friction. Additionally, changes in direction or acceleration can also lead to changes in velocity. In a vacuum, an object will continue at a constant velocity due to inertia.

When a falling object has reached its teminal velocity its accleration?

When a falling object reaches its terminal velocity, its acceleration becomes zero. The downward force of gravity is balanced by the upward force of air resistance, resulting in no overall acceleration.

What is the only factor needed to calculate change in velocity due to acceleration of gravity 9.8 m s?

The only factor needed to calculate change in velocity due to acceleration of gravity is time. The formula to calculate the change in velocity is: change in velocity = acceleration due to gravity * time.

What changes in a freely falling body?

In a freely falling body, its velocity increases due to the acceleration caused by gravity. The acceleration is constant (9.8 m/s^2 on Earth), and the body's motion is only affected by gravity, not air resistance. The body's position changes continuously as it falls towards the ground.

Projectile's vertical velocity component changes at a constant?

The vertical velocity component of a projectile changes at a constant rate due to the acceleration of gravity. This acceleration causes the projectile to speed up as it moves downward and slow down as it moves upward. The magnitude of the acceleration is constant near the Earth's surface, at approximately 9.8 m/s^2.

What must occur to expresss acceleration?

Acceleration is the rate at which an object's velocity changes, so for acceleration to occur, there must be a change in the speed, direction, or both of an object's motion. This change can be caused by a force acting on the object, such as gravity, friction, or a push.

Is it possible for a body to have zero velocity and non-zero acceleration?

Yes, it is possible for a body to have zero velocity and non-zero acceleration. This would occur when a body changes direction (such as at the top of a projectile's arc) while its speed is momentarily zero, resulting in non-zero acceleration due to the change in velocity.

How is the initial velocity zero but the acceleration is not?

Going back to definitions, Velocity is change of distance with time; and acceleration is change in velocity with time. Initially, the velocity is zero, as is the acceleration, BUT the Force of Gravity attracts the falling mass, and causes velocity to appear. But the continued application of the Force of Gravity causes the velocity to increase. And as we know, increase in velocity is acceleration. [space for QED]