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The volume of the Earth's oceans is about 1.3 x 1018 m3. Take the density of seawater to be about 1025 kg m-3, and the percentage mass of salt to be 3.5%. This gives a mass of salt of: 1.3 x 1018 x 1025 x 0.035 = 4.66375 x 1019 kg. ---- For the second, let's just include all of the Earth's crust that is above sea level. The average height of land above sea level is, according to John Murray, 686 m. The total land area is 1.489 x1014 m2. This gives a volume of 1.0217 x 1017 m3. The density of all that rock and soil is about 2700 kg m-3, so its mass comes to 2700 x 1.0217 x 1017 = 2.76 x 1020 kg. This is just under six times more than the mass of dissolved salt in the oceans.

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1mo ago

If you were to remove all the salt content from the oceans, the resulting salt would be about 4.8 x 10^19 kg, while the total mass of Earth's land is estimated to be around 1.49 x 10^19 kg. This means the salt content of the oceans alone is roughly three times the mass of all the land on Earth.

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What is the largest landmasses in the earths oceans?

The largest landmass in the Earth's oceans is Zealandia, which is mostly submerged beneath the southwest Pacific Ocean. It is estimated to be about half the size of Australia.

What is the biggest content in the world?

The biggest content in the world can vary depending on the context. In terms of digital content, the internet is vast and constantly growing. In the natural world, the oceans contain the largest content of water.

Have the continents and the oceans always been in the positions they are in today?

No, the continents and the oceans have not always been in the positions they are in today. The Earth's tectonic plates slowly move over time through a process called plate tectonics. This movement has resulted in the continents shifting positions and the reshaping of the oceans over millions of years.

If volcanoes get their magma from the crust below them what can you say about the silica content of Earths crust under the oceans?

The silica content of the Earth's crust beneath the oceans is typically lower compared to the crust beneath continents. This lower silica content results in a type of magma known as basalt, which is commonly associated with oceanic volcanoes like those found along mid-ocean ridges.

Compare temperate ocean and tropical oceans?

Temperate oceans have cooler temperatures and moderate seasonal variations, while tropical oceans are warmer with consistent high temperatures year-round. The biodiversity in temperate oceans is lower than that in tropical oceans due to the cooler temperatures. Additionally, temperate oceans experience distinct summer and winter seasons, while tropical oceans have a wet and dry season.

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