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Not enough information is given to determine the radius. If it was circumference and not length you could do:

2*pi*r = 10

pi * r = 5

r = 5/pi = 1.59ish

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4d ago

The radius of a cylinder can be calculated using the formula r = √(V / (π * h)), where r is the radius, V is the volume, and h is the height. Given the length of the tank as 10 feet, the radius could be calculated if the volume of the tank is provided as well.

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Q: What would the radius of a 10 feet long propane tank be?
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What is the volume of a cylinder with a 2 diameter that is 12 feet long?

The radius of the cylinder is half of the diameter, so the radius is 1 foot. The volume of a cylinder is calculated using the formula V = πr^2h, where r is the radius and h is the height. Plugging in the values, the volume of the cylinder is V = π(1)^2(12) = 12π cubic feet.

How many cubic feet in a 20 inch pipe 75 feet long?

The volume of a cylinder is given by the formula V = πr^2h, where r is the radius and h is the height of the cylinder. For a 20-inch pipe, the radius is 10 inches (half of the diameter). Converting to feet (10 inches = 0.8333 feet), the volume of the pipe is approximately 130.90 cubic feet when it's 75 feet long.

What are propane generators used for?

Propane generators are used to provide power should a power outage occur. Propane is a good option as it has a long shelf life and is readily available at most gas stations.

What most likely uses more propane--a propane fireplace or a propane furnace?

A propane furnace likely uses more propane than a propane fireplace as it is responsible for heating the entire home whereas a propane fireplace is generally used for supplemental heating or ambiance. Furnaces are designed to operate continuously for long periods of time, leading to higher propane consumption compared to fireplaces which are used intermittently.

How much propane does an outdoor lamp use?

The amount of propane an outdoor lamp uses can vary depending on factors such as the size and output of the lamp, how long it is used each day, and the intensity of the flame. On average, a typical outdoor lamp with a standard propane tank can burn for about 10-12 hours on a one-pound propane cylinder.

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The volume of a cylinder that is 12 feet long but has a radius of 5 feet is: 942 cubic feet.

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Its radius would be 4cm long. You split it in half.

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Since radius is half of a diameter, therefore 12 x 2 = 24

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If you mean how to find out how long one revolution is i have the answer. You can find this out by taking the radius, multiplying it by 2, then multiplying it again by pi, or 3.14. Like lets say the radius is 4 feet or whatever unit you are using. You would take 4 times 2 and get 8. Then you would multiply 8 times 3.14 and get 25.12. So one revolution would = 25.12 feet.

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The radius would be 6 cm because the diameter is 2 times bigger than the radius.

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What is the Volume of a 1 foot long by 1 foot radius pipe?

The volume is 0.7854 cubic feet.

What is the area of a circle if it has a diameter which is 18 feet long?

The area of a circle is equal to πr2 where π (pi) is equal to approximately 3.142 and r represents the radius of the circle. Because the question gives you the diameter and not the radius you have to use the measurement of the diameter to calculate the radius. Remember that the radius is equal to half the diameter. So if the diameter is equal to 18 feet, then the radius of this particular circle is equal to 9 feet. Plugging this into our equation for area we get: area = π(92) area = 3.142(81) area = about 254.5 ft2 (don't forget that the answer is in squared feet not just feet)

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The maximum area that you can enclose with 3000 feet of fencing would be a circle of radius 477.46 feet. This circle would have an area of 716197.2 square feet which is 16.442 acres. The minimum area that you can enclose is infinitesimally small - go for a very, very long and very, very narrow area.

How many cubic feet are in a cylinder that is 8 diameter x 10 feet long?

Diameter = 8 feet implies radius = 4 feet. Volume = pi*r2*h = 502.7 feet3