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120 psi <<< Wrong The Correct answer would be 81.6 psi

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1mo ago

The water pressure at the bottom of the pipe can be calculated using the formula P = ρgh, where P is the pressure, ρ is the density of water (1000 kg/m³), g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s²), and h is the height of the pipe (188 ft = 57.3 m). Plugging in the values, the pressure at the bottom of the pipe would be approximately 56,700 Pa, or about 8.23 psi.

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Q: What would the water pressure be at the bottom of a 6 inch pipe 188 ft tall?
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Where in the ocean is water pressure the greatest?

At the bottom of the Mariana Trench (Pacific Ocean), where water pressure is about eight tons per square inch.

What is the pressure at the bottom of the ocean?

The pressure at the bottom of the ocean can vary depending on the depth. On average, pressure increases by about 1 atmosphere (approximately 14.7 pounds per square inch) for every 33 feet of depth. This means that at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the ocean, the pressure can reach over 1,000 times the pressure at the surface.

How many PSI does 1 gallon of water create?

That depends on the surface area over which the weight of the gallon of water is distributed. Divide 8.34 pounds -- the weight of a gallon of water -- by the area, in square inches, the gallon is sitting upon. If the gallon of water is in a typical plastic jug that you buy at the grocery store, it's not creating much pressure at all -- only about 2.2 ounces per square inch.

What would the pressure be at the surface of water?

The pressure at the surface of water is typically equivalent to atmospheric pressure, which is around 14.7 pounds per square inch (psi) or 101.3 kilopascals (kPa). This pressure is created by the weight of the air above the water pushing down on it.

What does one inch of water weigh?

The question as posed is unanswerable. In order to compute the weight of an inch of water, one would have to know the volume, or area the one inch covers. (ie., a square foot of water one inch deep would weigh=X)

Related questions

Where in the ocean is water pressure the greatest?

At the bottom of the Mariana Trench (Pacific Ocean), where water pressure is about eight tons per square inch.

What is the height of a column of water where the pressure at the bottom of the column is 20.0 lb inch squared?

It is approx 46.3 feet.

How do you figure out PSI at the bottom of a vertical pipe filled with water?

Measure the height of the pipe, in inches. Then the pressure at the bottom is approx 14.7 + 0.036*H PSI.

What is the pressure at the bottom of the ocean?

The pressure at the bottom of the ocean can vary depending on the depth. On average, pressure increases by about 1 atmosphere (approximately 14.7 pounds per square inch) for every 33 feet of depth. This means that at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the ocean, the pressure can reach over 1,000 times the pressure at the surface.

How much pressure is exerted on every square inch of a person at 1250 feet under water?

The pressure at 1250 feet under water is approximately 543 pounds per square inch (psi). This means that every square inch of a person at that depth would experience a pressure of 543 psi.

Where is the greatest pressure in the ocean?

At the bottom of the Mariana Trench (Pacific Ocean), where water pressure is about eight tons per square inch.

Why is your cold water pressure low but hot water pressure is fine?

Sounds like your main line coming in is small if it's 1/2 inch stepping it up to 3/4 coming in then down to 1/2 inch would increase your pressure

What would the water pressure be at 20 feet?

The water pressure at 20 feet deep would be approximately 8.6 pounds per square inch (psi). This pressure increases by 0.43 psi for every additional foot in depth due to the weight of the water above.

How many PSI does 1 gallon of water create?

That depends on the surface area over which the weight of the gallon of water is distributed. Divide 8.34 pounds -- the weight of a gallon of water -- by the area, in square inches, the gallon is sitting upon. If the gallon of water is in a typical plastic jug that you buy at the grocery store, it's not creating much pressure at all -- only about 2.2 ounces per square inch.

What is the outside pressure on a vessel at a water depth of 5500'?

At 5,500 feet down, the pressure on the vessel would be 2,458.71 pounds per square inch.

What is the water pressure at 5000 feet deep in the gulf?

At 5000 feet deep in the Gulf of Mexico, the water pressure would be around 2200 pounds per square inch (psi). This high pressure is due to the weight of the water above pressing down on the water at that depth.

How many pound of water pressure is at 15000 feet?

At 15,000 feet, the water pressure is approximately 6,525 pounds per square inch (psi). This pressure increases with depth due to the weight of the water column above.