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Q: When a change in latitude of one degree corresponds to a distance of approximately 111 km along a north-south line. determine how far the convergent boundary descends as it moves 1 km northward?
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What does the amplitude of a light wave determine your perception of?

The amplitude of a light wave determines the brightness or intensity of the light that you perceive. A higher amplitude corresponds to brighter light, while a lower amplitude corresponds to dimmer light.

How do you use the z-score to determine a normal curve?

If the Z-Score corresponds to the standard deviation, then the distribution is "normal", or Gaussian.

What does the amplitude of a light wave determine?

The amplitude of a light wave determines the intensity, or brightness, of the light. A higher amplitude corresponds to a brighter light, while a lower amplitude corresponds to a dimmer light.

What does amplitude determine in light?

Amplitude of light waves determines the brightness or intensity of light. A larger amplitude corresponds to a brighter light, while a smaller amplitude indicates dimmer light.

What z-score corresponds to this value?

There is insufficient information in the question to answer it. To determine Z score, you need raw score, mean, and standard deviation. Please restate the question.

Using the attached erg determine which two products corresponds to guid number 128?

Type your answer here... Diesel Fuel (a) Gasoline (d)

How much does 90 weight oil weight?

90 weight oil corresponds to SAE 90 oil, which means it has a viscosity rating of 90. The weight of the oil is measured in centistokes at 100°C, which helps to determine how thick or thin the oil is. However, the weight of the oil in pounds depends on the volume of oil you are referring to.

What is convergent limit in spectroscopy?

In spectroscopy, the term "convergent limit" refers to the minimum energy level that an electron in an atom can occupy. When an electron moves from a higher energy level to a lower one, it emits a photon of energy that corresponds to the difference in energy between the two levels. As the electron moves closer to the nucleus, the energy levels become closer together, and the energy required to move the electron becomes larger. At some point, the energy required to move the electron becomes so large that it is equal to the energy of a photon in the ultraviolet or X-ray range. At this point, the electron can no longer move to a lower energy level by emitting a photon, and the energy levels are said to have reached their "convergent limit." This limit is different for each atom and is determined by the size and charge of the nucleus. The convergent limit is an important concept in spectroscopy because it determines the highest energy photon that can be emitted by an atom. By analyzing the wavelengths of the emitted photons, scientists can determine the energy levels of the electrons in the atom and gain insights into its structure and properties. Overall, the convergent limit is a fundamental concept in spectroscopy that helps scientists understand the behavior of electrons in atoms and the interactions between light and matter.

Each hereditary trait corresponds to what?

Each hereditary trait corresponds to a specific gene or set of genes that encode the information for that trait. Genes are segments of DNA that determine specific characteristics, such as eye color or height. These genes are inherited from our parents and are responsible for the variation we see in physical attributes and other traits among individuals.

What wave of a transverse waves determine amount of energy at one time?

The amplitude of a transverse wave determines the amount of energy at one time. A higher amplitude corresponds to a greater amount of energy being carried by the wave.

What is the navigational tool to find latitude?

The navigational tool to find latitude is a sextant, which uses the angle of the sun or stars above the horizon to determine the observer's position on Earth. This angle corresponds to the observer's latitude.