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Africa is suffering the most around the world

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Q: Where are people suffering most in the world?
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Why is there evil and suffering?

A lot of people ask themselves...If God is all powerful and loving, then why is there evil and suffering in the world. Evil as in crime and murder and suffering as in earthquakes, hurricanes or even an illness. What I have learned in my R.E lesson is that if there is no evil and suffering, there is no generosity in the world and the best thing I like about Islam is that most of it is to do about thinking less about yourself and thinking more about others. Most important is to give to charity. If there is no suffering, there is no charity, and if there is no charity, less people will think about others.

What areas around the world are suffering from deserts?

Most people who live in deserts are not 'suffering' from deserts. They have adapted to, and actually enjoy their lives in the desert. There are over 2 dozen major desert areas in the world. For a list of these as well as their locations, click on this link.

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It is estimated that up to one billion people in the world suffer daily from hunger.

What was one question that Siddhartha had to answer?

The Buddha's main question was why is there suffering, probably better understood as dissatisfaction, in the world. He saw that people were unsatisfied and suffering and wanted to learn why and how to stop it.

What is the Jewish responses to suffering?

Jews believe that all human beings have free will. Suffering is the result of bad choices made by the people who inflict the suffering. Suffering can also be caused by nature (such as an earthquake), which is considered inherently neutral by most interpretations in Judaism.

Who suffered the most under Hitler's final solution?

probably the people who died, it depends on how YOU define suffering and then how you are able to compare suffering - you are on ethically dubious ground.

How does oil affect the people of Venezuela?

the oil affects people cause the kind of oil they have most likely people are alergic to it so most people die from suffering the oil smell

What Hitler should most be remembered for?

For the genocide of the Jews, and the death and suffering of millions of other people.

War always inflicts pain and suffering on innocent people. In your opinion what ddoes this statement mean by using World War 2 as an example?

Suffering for the benefit of many more.

What aspect of Dante's Inferno is most likely to give insight into the author's perspective?

The people who are seen suffering in Hell The descending rings of Hell and their inhabitants