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The largest volcano that is known to the human race is called Olympus Mons, and it is located on the planet Mars. Olympus Mons is the largest volcano in the Solar SystemIt is 15 miles (25 km high), 430 miles (700 km)It is three times higher than Mount Everest (Earth's tallest feature)Its base would completely cover a state like Colorado or Arizona.Olympus Mons is a shield volcano formed by repeated lava flows similar to the volcanic events that formed the Hawaiian Islands. There is no evidence of any explosive eruptions akin to that of Mount St. Helens in Washington state.The volcano has fairly gentle slopes, and is surrounded by a cliff 6 miles (10 km or 33,000 feet) high. That's about the cruising altitude of passenger jets on Earth.The volcano's large size relative to volcanoes on Earth is due to the lack of plate tectonics (plate movement) on Mars. Thus the volcano remains stationary over its source of magma, and it grows until the magma source runs out. The large opening at the top of Olympus Mons, or any volcano for that matter, is called a caldera.Olympus Mons' caldera is 53 miles (85 km) wide

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13y ago
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4mo ago

The biggest volcanoes are often found along tectonic plate boundaries, such as the Ring of Fire in the Pacific Ocean. Examples include Mauna Loa in Hawaii, Mount Etna in Italy, and Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. These volcanoes tend to be associated with subduction zones and hot spots where magma can rise to the surface.

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14y ago

I am the hottest volcan becoz i am to hot to handle and too cold to hold so ladies out there jus melt when they look at me nd they go weak 4me,the need and want me,girls all around the world im all yours and im hot as a volcano yeah baby

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10y ago

The largest volcano is located on the island of Hawaii. The volcano is called Mauna Loa and it has been an active volcano for the past 700,000 years.

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13y ago

Ojos de Salado located in the Andes Mountains on the Argentina-Chile border. It's 6,891 metres or 22,608 feet tall.

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14y ago
  • The world's largest volcano can be found onHawaii's Big Island, in fact it's so large that it takes up half the island.
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the pacific rim has the biggest and most volcanoes

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Q: Where are the biggest volcanoes?
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No, its Mauna Loa in Hawaii.

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Nobody knows the answer. There could be millions,but no telescope on Earth currently is powerful enough. There are Volcanoes on Mars, the biggest one is bigger than mount Everest.

What volcanoes surround Mount Etna?

There are loads of different mountains and volcanoes surrounding mount Etna but the biggest one is Mount poo-poo it may sound like a silly name but it is true!

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actually Mt. Etna in Sicily is the biggest active volcano in Europe.

Are there volcanoes or storms on Mars?

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