The coordinates 26 degrees S 27 degrees E correspond to a location in southern Africa, specifically in the country of Botswana, near the border with South Africa and Zimbabwe.
26 degrees latitude and 430 degrees longitude do not exist on Earth's surface as the latitude ranges from -90 to 90 degrees and the longitude ranges from -180 to 180 degrees. If you meant 26 degrees S latitude and 130 degrees E longitude from Australia, it would be in the Indian Ocean southwest of Australia.
40 N 26 E is the Aegean Sea, between Greece and Turkey.
26 degrees Celsius is cooler than 60 degrees Fahrenheit. This is because 26 degrees Celsius is equivalent to about 79 degrees Fahrenheit.
Lucknow is located at a latitude of 26.8467ยฐ N and a longitude of 80.9462ยฐ E.
Volyns'ka Oblast' in Ukraine
Bagdad, Iraq
The coordinates 26 degrees S 27 degrees E correspond to a location in southern Africa, specifically in the country of Botswana, near the border with South Africa and Zimbabwe.
26 Fahrenheit.
Latitudinal extent=32(degrees) 17' - 37(degrees) 06' N Longitudinal extent=73(degrees) 26' - 80(degrees) 30' E
26 degrees Celsius is equal to 78.8 degrees Fahrenheit.
26 degrees Celsius = 78.8 degrees Fahrenheit.It is: 9/5*(26)+32 = 78.8 degrees Fahrenheit
26 degrees latitude and 430 degrees longitude do not exist on Earth's surface as the latitude ranges from -90 to 90 degrees and the longitude ranges from -180 to 180 degrees. If you meant 26 degrees S latitude and 130 degrees E longitude from Australia, it would be in the Indian Ocean southwest of Australia.
26 degrees Celsius = 78.8 degrees Fahrenheit
Latitudinal extent=32(degrees) 17' - 37(degrees) 06' N Longitudinal extent=73(degrees) 26' - 80(degrees) 30' E
40 N 26 E is the Aegean Sea, between Greece and Turkey.
26 degrees Celsius is cooler than 60 degrees Fahrenheit. This is because 26 degrees Celsius is equivalent to about 79 degrees Fahrenheit.