That point is in Poland, about 15.6 miles south of the center of Warsaw.
52 N 13 E isNiedergörsdorfer Allee 1414913 NiedergörsdorfGermany
30 N 30 E is El Beheira Governorate, Egypt.
21 N 81 E is India
The absolute location of Amsterdam is approximately 52.3676° N latitude and 4.9041° E longitude.
The nearest city to those coordinates is Giap Dat.
hy brasil (under water)
40 deg. N., 12 deg. E.
It is 1 deg N 37 deg E.
55 deg 52 min N, 4 deg 15 min W
20 deg N and 75 deg E is in the Deccan Plateau in the state of Maharashtra in India. The nearest city is Aurangabad.20 deg N and 75 deg E is in the Deccan Plateau in the state of Maharashtra in India. The nearest city is Aurangabad.20 deg N and 75 deg E is in the Deccan Plateau in the state of Maharashtra in India. The nearest city is Aurangabad.20 deg N and 75 deg E is in the Deccan Plateau in the state of Maharashtra in India. The nearest city is Aurangabad.
52 N 13 E isNiedergörsdorfer Allee 1414913 NiedergörsdorfGermany
30 N 30 E is El Beheira Governorate, Egypt.
The opposite side of 31.7833 degrees N 35.2167 degrees E would be 31.7833 deg S 144.7833 deg W.
21 N 81 E is India
The absolute location of Amsterdam is approximately 52.3676° N latitude and 4.9041° E longitude.
The nearest city to those coordinates is Giap Dat.
The Apollo 11 lunar module, named Eagle, landed on the moon's surface in the Mare Tranquillitatis (Sea of Tranquility) region on July 20, 1969. This historic event marked the first time a human-made craft had landed on the moon.