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Q: Which among the following concepts best explain the theoretical balance of all large portions of earth's lithosphere?
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What is the difference between a plate and the lithosphere?

The lithosphere is the outermost layer of the Earth's surface, composed of the crust and upper part of the mantle. Plates are distinct sections of the lithosphere that float on the semi-fluid asthenosphere beneath. In essence, plates are portions of the lithosphere that move and interact with each other at plate boundaries, driving processes like earthquakes and volcanic activity.

What is jupiters geosphere like?

Jupiter does not have a solid rocky surface like Earth. It is a gas giant made up mostly of hydrogen and helium, with no distinct geosphere. The planet is mainly composed of dense layers of gas and liquid, with a small rocky core at its center.

How you can divide a movie into separate portions?

A movie can be divided into separate portions by identifying key plot points, character arcs, or themes. These portions can correspond to acts, scenes, or sequences within the movie. By analyzing the narrative structure and pacing of the movie, one can identify natural breaks or shifts that can help in dividing it into separate portions.

What body plane divides the body into interior and posterior planes?

The sagittal plane divides the body into left and right portions, not interior and posterior portions. The coronal plane divides the body into anterior and posterior portions.

Non coding portions of DNA that are separated from the portions of DNA actually used during transcription are called?

Introns are the non-coding portions of DNA that are separated from the portions of DNA used during transcription. After transcription, introns are removed during the process of mRNA maturation, leaving only the exons to be translated into proteins.

Related questions

Which layer inside the earth includes the upper most portions of the mantel and the crust?

The lithosphere is the layer inside the Earth that includes the uppermost portions of the mantle and the crust. It is composed of the crust as well as the rigid upper part of the mantle.

What are some facts about the earth's lithosphere?

More lithosphere facts:The lithosphere is the solid outer layer of the planetIt is 70-100 kilometers thickIt "floats" on top of a warmer, non-rigid layerThe temperature beneath the lithosphere can reach 1,000 degrees CelsiusThere is about 10 percent molten material at the lower portions of the lithosphere

What is the difference between a plate and the lithosphere?

The lithosphere is the outermost layer of the Earth's surface, composed of the crust and upper part of the mantle. Plates are distinct sections of the lithosphere that float on the semi-fluid asthenosphere beneath. In essence, plates are portions of the lithosphere that move and interact with each other at plate boundaries, driving processes like earthquakes and volcanic activity.

Is the lithosphere hot?

The lithosphere is extremely hot. The temperature of the lithosphere can reach around 600 degrees Celsius. Although this is the case in a general sense, some scientists argue that temperatures can reach up to 1200 degrees Celsius within the lithosphere.

Is the asthenosphere liquid?

The asthenosphere is a partially molten layer beneath the lithosphere. It is not completely liquid, but has a higher temperature and lower rigidity compared to the lithosphere, allowing it to flow slowly over geologic time scales.

What nations controlled the largest portions of Africa following the Berlin conference of 1884?

Britin and France - apex

What is jupiters geosphere like?

Jupiter does not have a solid rocky surface like Earth. It is a gas giant made up mostly of hydrogen and helium, with no distinct geosphere. The planet is mainly composed of dense layers of gas and liquid, with a small rocky core at its center.

What consists of the upper most portions of the mantle and the crust?

The lithosphere. It cosists of, mainly, O (47%),Si (28%), Al (8%), Mg (2%), Ca (4%), Na (3%), Fe (5%) , K (3%) with the rest of the elements in trace quantities. The lithosphere cosists of several plates that fit into each other like a jigsaw puzzle and the science of their movement is called plate tectonics.

What is the combined portions of eath called in which all living things exist?

The interconnected system of Earth in which all living things exist is called the biosphere, which includes all ecosystems and organisms on the planet. It encompasses the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere where life exists and thrives.

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