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One litre of water equals one kilogram of water

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1.00 ml of gold has more mass because gold is denser than water.

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11y ago

They are the same

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13y ago

1 gram

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Q: Which has more mass 19.3 ml of water or 1.00 ml of gold?
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Do 100 ml of gravel and 100 ml of water have the same mass?

No, the gravel sinks when placed in water and is therfore more dense than water. This means that given two equivalent volumes one of water , one of gravel, the mass of the gravel will be greater than that of the water.

Gold is a precious metal with a density of 19.3 grams per ml. If a piece of gold weighs 100 grams what volume in ml should this gold displace in water?

The volume of gold displacing the water can be found using the density formula: density = mass/volume. Rearranging the formula to solve for volume, volume = mass/density. Plugging in the values given, volume = 100 grams / 19.3 grams per ml = 5.18 ml. So, the gold should displace 5.18 ml of water.

What is the mass of 250 mL beaker filled with 100 mL of water?

To find the mass of the beaker with water, you would need to know the mass of the empty beaker and the density of water. The mass of the water can be calculated by multiplying the volume of water (100 mL) by the density of water. Finally, add the mass of the empty beaker to the mass of the water to get the total mass of the beaker with water.

How do you find the mass of 100 ml of water?

To find the mass of 100 ml of water, you can use the density of water, which is approximately 1 gram per milliliter. Therefore, the mass of 100 ml of water would be 100 grams.

Does 100 grams of uncooked chicken weigh more or less than 100 grams of cooked chicken?

it weighs the same. you specified that they both weigh 100 grams.ADDITION: Assuming 100 grams refers to mass, the uncooked chicken weighs .987 newtons.Cooked chicken will have a mass less than 100 grams. One reason is evaporation. A majority of the meats composition is made of water molecules. The evaporation of water will reduce the total mass of the chicken.

Related questions

Which has greater volume 100g of gold or 100g of water?

100g of water has a greater volume than 100g of gold. This is because the density of gold is higher than the density of water, so the same mass of gold occupies less space than the same mass of water.

What is the mass of 100 ml water?

The mass of 100 ml of water is approximately 100 grams. Water has a density of 1 gram per milliliter, so for every 1 ml of water, the mass is 1 gram.

Do 100 ml of gravel and 100 ml of water have the same mass?

No, the gravel sinks when placed in water and is therfore more dense than water. This means that given two equivalent volumes one of water , one of gravel, the mass of the gravel will be greater than that of the water.

Gold is a precious metal with a density of 19.3 grams per ml. If a piece of gold weighs 100 grams what volume in ml should this gold displace in water?

The volume of gold displacing the water can be found using the density formula: density = mass/volume. Rearranging the formula to solve for volume, volume = mass/density. Plugging in the values given, volume = 100 grams / 19.3 grams per ml = 5.18 ml. So, the gold should displace 5.18 ml of water.

If you boil 100g of water should the steam weigh more than 100 grams?

If all the water boils off, the mass of the steam will be 100 grams. Matter cannot be created or destroyed.

Which has more mass an atom of gold or lead?

An atom of lead has more mass than an atom of gold. This is because lead has a higher atomic number than gold, meaning it has more protons and neutrons in its nucleus, resulting in a greater atomic mass.

What is the mass of 250 mL beaker filled with 100 mL of water?

To find the mass of the beaker with water, you would need to know the mass of the empty beaker and the density of water. The mass of the water can be calculated by multiplying the volume of water (100 mL) by the density of water. Finally, add the mass of the empty beaker to the mass of the water to get the total mass of the beaker with water.

What is the mass of 100 milimeters of water?

If you have pure water, standard temperature, and standard pressure,then 100 milliliters of water has 100 grams of mass.(Note: 'milliliters', not 'millimeters'.)

How much mass is in 100 ML of water?

Pure water, standard temperature and pressure, etc. Mass of 100 ml of water = 100 grams

How would you measure the mass of 100 ml of water?

Find the mass of an empty container using a balance. Fill the container with 100 ml of water and measure the mass again, The difference between the two measurements is the mass of 100 ml of water.

Steam at 100 C contains the same amount of heat energy per gram as liquid water at 100 C?

Steam at 100 C and liquid water at 100 C both have the same amount of heat energy per gram because they are both at their boiling point and are in thermal equilibrium. The heat energy is used to break the intermolecular forces holding the water molecules together, rather than increasing the temperature.

A sugar solution of 35.8g sugar and 125.35g of water. what is the percent by mass of the sugar and the percent by mass of the water in the solution?

To find the percent by mass of sugar: Mass of sugar = 35.8g Total mass of solution = 35.8g (sugar) + 125.35g (water) = 161.15g Percent by mass of sugar = (mass of sugar / total mass of solution) * 100 To find the percent by mass of water: Mass of water = 125.35g Total mass of solution = 161.15g (as calculated above) Percent by mass of water = (mass of water / total mass of solution) * 100