The size of the Caldera in Indonesia is about 30-35×100 km. some say 30 and some say 35 but the Yellow stone caldera is bigger. Yellowstone's is a about 85×45 km. For sizes on all of the biggest go to:
120 kP
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The Loire River is the longest in France, with a length of 630 miles (1,013 kilometer) and spanning a big chunk of France from the Alps north to Orleans, and then cutting west to the Atlantic Ocean. The Seine is the second longest river in France with a length of 482 (776 km).
The largest volcanic crater is Lake Tobi. This volcanic crater lake has an area of 1,130 km². It has a depth of up to 505 meters.
You can convert distance from miles to kilometers by just multiplying the number of miles with 1.6 . Likewise you can convert kilometers to miles by just multiplying the number of kilometers by 0.62 . So, in this case the answer is 812.68 kilometers. The formula for miles to km conversion 505 mi* 1.609344 km 1 mi = 812.71872 km
505 kilometers, 314 mikes, or 273 nautical miles
257 kilometres (160 miles) via I-505 and I-5.
The air distance from Sofia, Bulgaria, to Istanbul, Turkey, is 314 miles. That equals 505 kilometers or 273 nautical miles.
505 grams is more than 51 grams.
The air distance from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to Brasilia, Brazil, is 581 miles. That equals 935 kilometers or 505 nautical miles.
Waterton Lakes national park is 195 square miles or 505 square kilometers of rugged mountains and wilderness.
The area of Jovellanos is 505 square kilometers.
The area of Bayugan is 505 square kilometers.
By road miles it is 505 miles.
92 miles
505 Miles