The largest country without a coast is Kazakhstan, with an area of 2.725 million kilometres squared.
The largest country on the world's largest peninsula is Saudi Arabia, which is located on the Arabian Peninsula.
It's in North Korea, on the coast.
The largest country in the world by area is Russia, while the largest country by population is China.
Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in the world by population, with the majority of its citizens adhering to Islam.
No, Indonesia is not the biggest country in the world by land area. Russia holds the title as the largest country in the world. Indonesia is the largest country in terms of the number of islands it comprises.
The largest country on the world's largest peninsula is Saudi Arabia, which is located on the Arabian Peninsula.
It's in North Korea, on the coast.
Canada is the largest marine country in the world. We have three oceans, the longest coast line and some of the largest lakes and rivers in the world.
Zambia Zambia
Ivory Coast is the largest exporter of cocoa in the world, accounting for a significant portion of global cocoa production.
Canada is not "in" the west coast, but it does "have" a west coast. Take a look at your atlas and find Canada. It is the second-largest country in the world. Then find the Pacific Ocean. It is the largest ocean in the world. Canada's west coast runs along the Pacific Ocean. Canada has the longest coastline of any country in the world. Canada's coastline includes not only the Pacific Ocean, but also the Atlantic Ocean and the Arctic Ocean.
The largest cocoa producer in the world is Cote d'Ivoire, also known as Ivory Coast. It is responsible for a significant portion of the global cocoa supply.
Russia is the world's largest country.
Kazakhstan is the largest landlocked country in the world.
the world largest country is rssia