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to measure the length of bedroom = meter

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9mo ago

You would use the metric unit "meters" to measure the length of a room.

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9y ago


If you meant Imperial measures, they would be feet.

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11y ago

I use feet to measure rooms

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Q: Which metric unit would you use to measure the length of a room?
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What metric unit is best to use to measure the length of a family room?

The most appropriate measure is a metre.

What is the length of a room measure in?

Any measure of length will do, but the most common would be feet or meters.

what units of measure would be most suitable for recording the length of a room?

I would measure it in maters

What Metric instrument or tool is used to measure length of a room?

A tape measure is typically used to measure the length of a room. Simply extend the tape along one wall to the opposite wall to get an accurate measurement.

What instrument is used to measure the length of a room?

there are many instruments used to measure length . measuring tape is used to measure the length of room.

Does it make more sense to measure the length of your classroom in feet or inches?

You can quite sensibly measure your room in those units but the metric units are very much easier to use which is why most of the world has 'gone metric'. It would not be sensible to measure your room in kilometres would it . The choice of unit usually depends upon the degree of accuracy you need . For a room you only need accuracy to the nearest inch. For a bolt you need to make it so that it is accurate to the nearest 'tenth of a millimetre' or the nearest ' hundredth of an inch'.

What unit would you use to measure the length and width of a room?

Feet or meters

What metric tool can you use to measure a room?

measuring tape

What is the metric unit used to measure the volume of a room?

cubic meters

What is the metric term used to measure the volume of a room?

Cubic meters.

Do you measure the volume of a room in meters when using the metric system?


How do you measure a room in sq meters?

Measure the length and width of the room in meters. Multiply the length x width to get the area in square meters.