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the atomic no of calcium is 20 so to reach the nearest noble gas electronic configuration it loses 2 electrons and forms + 2 ion.

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Ca is the ion with a +2 charge.

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14y ago

Ca2+. If it has a plus, it's a cation.

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The chemical symbol Ca2 plus refers to the?

Calcium ion with a +2 charge.

Ions with a 2 plus charge?

Ions with a 2 plus charge are called cations. They have lost two electrons, resulting in a positive charge. Examples include calcium ion (Ca²⁺) and iron(II) ion (Fe²⁺).

What charge does Ca have when making an ion?

Calcium (Ca) typically forms a +2 charge when it becomes an ion by losing two electrons.

What is the charge of Ca when it exists as a cation?

2+ will be the charge in Ca2+ ion

Is Ca plus 2 an ion?

No, "Ca plus 2" is not correct notation for an ion. The correct notation would be Ca^2+, which represents a calcium ion with a 2+ charge due to the loss of two electrons.

What is the charge of the ion that calcium would form?

Calcium typically forms a 2+ ion, meaning it has a charge of +2. This is because calcium commonly loses two electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration similar to a noble gas.

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The electrical charge of the chlorine ion is -1. This is because chlorine (Cl) gains an electron to achieve a full outer shell, giving it an extra negative charge.

Calcium chloride and sodium hydroxide is equals?

When calcium chloride and sodium hydroxide react together, they will form calcium hydroxide and sodium chloride. This reaction is a double displacement reaction where the positive ions switch places between the two compounds. Calcium hydroxide is a sparingly soluble base, while sodium chloride is a soluble salt.


Ca refers to calcium, which is a chemical element with the atomic number 20. Ca2+ refers to a calcium ion that has lost two electrons, resulting in a 2+ charge. The main difference is that Ca represents the neutral form of calcium, while Ca2+ represents the positively charged ion form.

What is the cation for AlBr3?

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For calcium ca write the numbers of electrons it must gain or lose to have 8 vlance electrons then calculate the charge of the ion that would form?

Calcium (Ca) has 20 electrons. To have 8 valence electrons, it needs to lose 2 electrons. When it loses 2 electrons, it forms a Ca2+ ion with a +2 charge.

Is this formula correct Ca(OH)2?

Yes, it is correct. Calcium has a +2 charge, and the hydroxide polyatomic ion has a -1 charge.