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The worlds most powerful oil companies are Exxon and Royal Dutch Shell. Exxon has long been one of the most, if not the most, profitable companies in the world, and Royal Dutch Shell is one of the most highly respected companies in the United Kingdom.

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Q: Which oil companies are the most powerful the world?
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When someone says "big oil", they are probably referring to the major oil companies in the world. Big oil companies are BP, Shell, and Conoco/Phillips.

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They don't buy the oil, they drill into the ground. That is how the world will soon end as we know it.

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Yes, most industries in the United States nowadays resort to off-shoring. For example,most telecommunication companies get their employees from India.

What are major crude oil and natural gas companies?

The majors are large, vertically integrated companies that explore, produce, refine, and sell oil and gas to end consumers. These companies benefit most from the economies of scale.

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Oil companies usually explore and distribute oil across the world. Check related links for a whole list.

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How can us oil companies stay competitive after moratorium in the us east coast?

The moratorium on deepwater drilling in the Gulf of Mexico affected about 33 deepwater drilling rigs. Most of the oil companies that owned those rigs are multi-national corporations. While the moratorium did have an economic impact, it most severely affected the offshore services companies that serviced those rigs. The oil companies shifted some of their exploration effort to other parts of the world while the moratorium was in effect. That will have an effect on the economy of the region that will continue, even though the moratorium has been lifted.

From where does the US import most of its oil?

We import most of our oil from Canada. We are also the world's number two EXPORTER of oil.

Who makes Peak brand motor oil?

Old World Industries: Old World Industries is just the name of the company and they do not refine oil. Their oil is refined by different companies at different times. Who refines their oil as of 4/2013 is anyone guess.

Who owns oil companies?

The stock holders own the oil companies.