Very thin foil. It can be large in 2D as pool foil, or rolled-up to 3D space like in the AA cell or electrolytic capacitor. A pasta shapes are also good example, how to have minimal volume and maximal surface to get it boiled quickly.
There are about 120 million rod cells compaired to 6 million cone cells, for a ratio of about 20 rods for each cone.
The approximate ratio of red blood cells to white blood cells in blood is about 600:1. This means there are about 600 red blood cells for every one white blood cell in a given volume of blood.
Cells with a larger surface area to volume ratio are better because they can more efficiently exchange nutrients and wastes with their environment. This allows for faster and more effective communication and metabolic processes within the cell.
cell division
Yes, cells with a higher surface area-to-volume ratio have a larger surface area relative to their volume, making it more challenging for materials to move efficiently across the cell membrane. This can lead to slower exchange of nutrients and waste compared to cells with a lower ratio.
greatest benefit to health, people should have both soluble and insoluble fiber in their diet, preferably in a 50:50 ratio. The following foods are good sources of
Surface area to volume ratio
its simplest form.
there is about a 1000 to 1 to 2000 to 1 ratio of RBCs to WBCs
There are about 120 million rod cells compaired to 6 million cone cells, for a ratio of about 20 rods for each cone.
That is what I am wondering!
23 chromosomes for every 1 sex cell??
In 1cm3 of blood, there are 5,000,000,000 red blood cells and 8,000,000 white blood cells. Meaning a ratio of 5000 to 8.
Find their greatest common factor, which is 2. Divide both by 2. That gives a ratio of 213 to 3500000.
Las Vegas is said to have the greatest men to women ratio.