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1mo ago

A scalar value is a single value that represents a magnitude only, without a direction. Examples include temperature, mass, distance, and time.

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In physics what is the meanig of scalar?

scalar means a quantity which has only value,but has no direction.

What One property does a scalar have?

As opposed to a vector, a scalar has a single number. In physics, this is used in situations where a single number is enough to describe something.

What is scalar data?

A scalar variable can hold only one piece of data at a time. So in C, C++ and Java scalar data types include int, char, float and double, along with others. Scalar variables of the same type can be arranged into ascending or descending order based on the value. Prasangax

What is scalar data structures?

A scalar variable can hold only one piece of data at a time. So in C, C++ and Java scalar data types include int, char, float and double, along with others. Scalar variables of the same type can be arranged into ascending or descending order based on the value. Prasangax

Is the value of a scalar quantity dependent on the reference frame chosen?

Yes it is.

Why is force a scalar quantity?

Force is not a SCALAR because it always has a DIRECTION, making it a VECTOR. A SCALAR quantity is a one-dimensional physical quantity, i.e. one that can be described by a single real number.

How is the absolute value of velocity speed?

Velocity is a vector and its magnitude depends on the direction. If it is positive in one direction, going in the opposite direction it is negative. But speed is a scalar and does not depend on the direction. It has the same value, whatever the direction. That is how the absolute value of velocity is speed.

How do you find the volume of a sphere if the radius is a negative number?

radius is a scalar quantity, it can not have a negative value.

Is accelaration a scalar or a vector?

It's a vector one.

What is speed a scalar or vector quantity?


Is no. of books a scalar or vector quantity?

It is scalar

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