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I would compare lamps of the same wattage to see which one puts out more lumens, which is the measurement of actual light output.

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1w ago

A Mercury vapor lamp puts out a greater percentage of its energy as light compared to an incandescent lamp. Mercury vapor lamps are more efficient at converting energy into light, whereas incandescent lamps produce more heat than light, making them less energy efficient.

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Q: Which puts out the greater percentage of its energy as light an incandescent lamp or a mercury vapor lamp?
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What type of energy do more efficient light bulb produce?

A greater percentage of light, and a smaller percentage of infrared radiation and heat.

How much energy does a CFL light bulb save versus an incandescent bulb?

A CFL light bulb can save about 75% of energy compared to an incandescent bulb. This is because CFLs are more efficient in converting electricity into light, while incandescent bulbs produce more heat than light, resulting in greater energy waste.

Most of the energy of an incandescent bulb is given off as?

Most of the energy of an incandescent bulb is given off as heat rather than light. Incandescent bulbs are not very energy efficient compared to other types of lighting, as they convert a large portion of electrical energy into heat instead of light.

Can mercury wet a substance?

Mercury is a metal unlike water which have hydrogen bonding. Mercury does not wet most substances, because of its high cohesion and low adhesion to the glass mercury will not wet glass. Cohesion, along with adhesion(attraction between unlike molecules), can help explain mercury phenomena. Mercury has a surface energy over 6 times greater than that of water so there is a much greater attractive force between the atoms of mercury than between the molecules of water, so mercury does not wet glass.

Why flourecent lamp are better source of light than incandescent lamp?

Fluorescent lamps are more energy-efficient than incandescent lamps because they produce light by exciting mercury vapor with electricity, resulting in less heat loss. They also have a longer lifespan and produce more light output for the amount of energy consumed compared to incandescent lamps. Additionally, fluorescent lamps come in various color temperatures, allowing for more customizable lighting options.

Related questions

What percentage of energy is converted into useful energy?

It depends on the efficiency of the machine. No machine is perfect and there are always losses and waste. Usually the losses are a greater percentage than the useful energy.

What percentage of energy does an energy saving bulb save compared to an ordinary bulb?

It varies, depending on the specific model, but an energy-saving (fluorescent) light bulb should save at least half the energy, for the same luminosity, compared to the old-fashioned incandescent light bulbs. The incandescent light bulbs ought to be outlawed, except for specific purposes where the heat they generate is actually needed.

What type of energy do more efficient light bulb produce?

A greater percentage of light, and a smaller percentage of infrared radiation and heat.

How much energy does incandescent?

Incandescent light bulbs are not energy efficient, as much of the energy they use is converted into heat rather than light. Only about 10% of the energy they consume is actually turned into light.

Why do mammals and birds lose a greater percentage of the energy intake to the environment as heat?

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Most of the energy of an incandescent bulb is given off as?

Most of the energy of an incandescent bulb is given off as heat rather than light. Incandescent bulbs are not very energy efficient compared to other types of lighting, as they convert a large portion of electrical energy into heat instead of light.

What percent of incandescent light bulb is thermal energy?

Around 90% of the energy consumed by an incandescent light bulb is converted to thermal energy, with only around 10% converted to visible light. This inefficiency is one of the main reasons why incandescent bulbs have been largely replaced by more energy-efficient alternatives.

Does a 60-watt electric light bulb create heat energy?

Yes. Part of the energy is converted to light, part to heat. The percentage depends on the type of light bulb. Fluorescent and LED light bulbs are more efficient than incandescent light bulbs. A 60-watt incandescent bulb will be uncomfortable to remove from the socket with your bare hands after turning it off. However, a 100-watt bulb will burn you if you remove it with your bare hands after turning it off.

What type of energy besides light energy is produced by incandescent lights?


Why are fluorescent globes more energy efficient than incandescent?

Fluorescent globes are more energy efficient than incandescent bulbs because they produce light by exciting mercury vapor, which emits ultraviolet light. This process requires less electricity compared to heating a filament in an incandescent bulb, resulting in lower energy consumption. Additionally, fluorescent bulbs produce less heat, further improving their efficiency.

Which type energy other than light energy is produced by incandescent light?

heat energy

What thing that American wasting energy?

incandescent bulbs