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Q: Which two nations emerged as the strongest in world war 2?
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Which two nations emerged as the strongest following world war ii?

At the very end of WW2 the United States was the strongest country by far and the Soviet Union was the second strongest country.

What two nations were the strongest after World War 2?

The USSR and the USA

This word is used to describe the worlds strongest nations?

The world's strongest nations are labeled by the word superpower and the world's two top superpowers currently are the United States and China.

What two nations emeged the strongest following World War 2?

the united states and the soviet union

What events happened after World War 2?

Germany was divided into West Germany and East Germany. The United Nations were formed and United States and Soviet Union emerged as two world powers. The two world powers began the cold war.

After World War 2 the US and Soviet Union emerged as the world's two what?

They emerged as the two superpowers. They both were very strong and showed their strength in World War 2. The power of these two superpowers led to the Cold War.

What happen after world 2?

When WW II ended, the world emerged from the deep depression it had been in prior to the war. Additionally, Germany was split into two haves, the Democratic side and the Russian side. Many Jews left Germany for Israel and America. Very important to note, the United Nations finally emerged after WWII

What two countries emerged from World War 2 at the top?

Us & uk.

What is the strongest magnet in the world?

The Neodymium Magnet is the strongest permanent magnet in the world. If you have two over a few centimeters they could cause a serious injury.

What two dictatorships emerged in Europe between World War 1 and World War 2?

Hitler and Mussolini

Which two super powers emerged after world war 11?

The Soviet Union and the United States.

Which two super powers emerged after world war ii?

United States and Soviet Union