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Newton , along with Gottfried Leibnitz , is considered to be the co-inventor of (the) Calculus.

He also made several other contributions to math such as in numerical analysis.

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Calculus. Very hard math that another made a little simpler.

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Q: Which type of mathematics did Sir Isaac Newton develope?
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In what unusual type of graveyard is Sir Isaac Newton buried in?

Sir Isaac Newton is buried in Westminster Abbey, which is not a graveyard but a royal church in London where many notable figures are buried.

How did Isaac Newton study?

Isaac Newton studied Motion and the laws of motion and gravity, space, the stars, math , he created calculous. tip go to and type in your question.

What was Isaac Newton contribution to maths?

Isaac Newton used all types of math that existed at the time. And when he neededto do a calculation that no existing type of math could do, he invented a new type.(It's the one we call 'integral calculus' now.)

What obstacles did newton overcome while developing his scientific work?

Newton faced many obstacles while developing his scientific work, including lack of formal education in mathematics, limited access to scientific resources, and societal pressures as he worked on his theories. He also had to contend with criticism and skepticism from other scientists of his time who did not always support his ideas. Despite these challenges, Newton persevered and went on to make groundbreaking contributions to physics and mathematics.

Did Sir Isaac Newton invent Fig Newtons?

According to Nabisco: β€œFig Newtons were named after either Sir Isaac Newton or the town of Newton, Massachusetts.” January 16th is National Fig Newton Day. Fig Newtons were one of the first commercially baked products in America. The Boston-based company had a habit of naming their cookies after local towns, and they already had cookies named Beacon Hill, Harvard, and Shrewsbury when the Newton was created. Fig Newtons are the 3rd most popular cookie in the U.S., over 1 billion are consumed each year.

Related questions

What type of science did newton study?

Isaac Newton studied physics, mathematics, and astronomy. He is most famous for his work in developing the laws of motion and universal gravitation.

What type of measurement did Sir Isaac Newton invent?

a type of weight called a newton

What type of math did Isaac Newton associate with?

advanced math

What math was Isaac Newton known for?

isaac newton invented no such math only science

Did Issac newton stick to one type of science?

No, Isaac Newton is considered a polymath, meaning he excelled in multiple fields of study. While he is most famous for his work in physics and mathematics, he also made significant contributions to astronomy, alchemy, and optics.

In what unusual type of graveyard is Sir Isaac Newton buried in?

Sir Isaac Newton is buried in Westminster Abbey, which is not a graveyard but a royal church in London where many notable figures are buried.

What type of things did sir isaac newton discover or invent?

gravity by a apple,

What type of family did Isaac Newton grow up in?

his mother was 16 when he was born and his dad was a 60 year oldnecrophiliac

What is the newtonian telescopeDid newton invent this?

The Newtonian telescope was invented in 1668 by Sir Isaac Newton. It is a type of telescope that uses refracting mirrors to project an image for the viewer.

How did Isaac Newton study?

Isaac Newton studied Motion and the laws of motion and gravity, space, the stars, math , he created calculous. tip go to and type in your question.

Who discoved forces?

Sir Isaac newton discovered Force. He discovered lots of different type of Forces. E.g: gravitational force.

What was Isaac Newton contribution to maths?

Isaac Newton used all types of math that existed at the time. And when he neededto do a calculation that no existing type of math could do, he invented a new type.(It's the one we call 'integral calculus' now.)