I would say the Norwegians. They invaded Ireland and Scotland and parts of England. They also sailed to Iceland and Greenland and later they discovered North America. Also they controlled most parts of scandinavia..
India is considered the strongest country in the Indian Subcontinent, both in terms of economy and military strength. It is the largest country in the region and has a significant influence on international politics.
In 1000 AD, the strongest country was likely the Byzantine Empire. Spanning across Europe, Asia, and Africa, the Byzantine Empire had a powerful military, a strong economy, and advanced cultural and artistic achievements.
The title of "strongest man in the world" is typically given to the winner of the World's Strongest Man competition, an annual event that attracts participants from various countries. Therefore, the current strongest man in the world could be from any country that competes in the event.
In 1914, the strongest country was generally considered to be the British Empire. It controlled a vast global empire, had a powerful navy, and a strong economy. However, other major powers such as Germany, France, and the United States also held significant influence.
Viking 1 was launched on August 20, 1975
It depends on what you mean by "strongest".Strongest by military? Diplomacy? Trade? Economy?The strongest military country is China.The strongest diplomatic country is the United Kingdom.The strongest trade country is a tie between the United Kingdom and Canada.The strongest economical country is the United States.The strongest sporting country is Australia.The strongest illegal exports country is Afghanistan.The strongest eco-friendly country is a tie between Norway, United Kingdom and Germany.The strongest precious stones producing country is Columbia.The strongest educational country is South Korea.The strongest scientific country is Finland.The strongest freedom and equality country is a tie between Iceland and Norway.The strongest peaceful country is Iceland.The strongest agricultural country is India.The strongest recycling country is Israel.The strongest technologically advanced country is Japan.The strongest corrupt country is North Korea.The strongest country by income and finance is Monaco.The strongest country by gas production/ownership is Russia.The strongest country by oil production/ownership is Russia.The strongest country by diamond production/ownership is Russia.The strongest country by size is Russia.The strongest country by air-force is a tie between United States, United Kingdom and Russia.The strongest country by navy is a tie between the United Kingdom and China.The strongest country by land army is China.The strongest country by motor army is China.The strongest country by warheads (missiles) is a draw between China, Russia, United Kingdom, United States, North Korea and France.
No, it was not.
which was the strongest country in 1914
They used the longships for battles. The longship was the strongest weapon the Vikings had. The Viking long ships had no front or back, so it was easy to manoeuvre
israel is the most strongest country,then russia,then America
The US has the strongest navy.
Saudi Arabia.
The USA is.
viking weapons are amazing! they could cut through any tipe of metal in the world! even viking weapons could cut down the strongest of any tree in the world even the ones with the strong bark on them! that is the answer to the question:what are viking weapons look like!
the country which has the strongest monarch is the united kingdom