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They all weigh the same - one pound.

It doesn't hurt as much when you drop feathers on your head compared to a brick since the feathers are soft and the shock is absorbed, reducing the impact force

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They all weigh the same, as they are each one pound.

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Q: Which ways more a lb of bricks or a lb of cheese or a lb of feathers?
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Which ways more a pound of bricks cheese or feathers?

a pound is a pound is a pound!!!a pound of anything always weighs a pound doesn't matter if it is feathers or bricks!!!

Which ways more 1 pound of bricks 1 pound of feathers or 1 pound of cheese or do they all way the same?

They are the same

Which one ways more a pound of bricks cheese or feathers?

They both weigh the same- a pound of anything always weighs the same.

Whats heavier a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers?

A ton of x is neither heavier nor lighter than a ton of y - regardless of how heavy the individual units of x or y. Obviously, you would need a lot more feathers than bricks but that's another question entirely.

Which ways more a pound of cheese or a pound of bricks?

They both weigh the same - one pound each. The difference lies in the volume or space occupied by the substances due to their density.

What weighs more 1000 pounds bricks or 1000 pounds of feathers?

1,000 pounds of bricks and 1,000 pounds of feathers both weigh 1,000 pounds. In other words, their weights are identical. Neither of them weighs more or less than the other does. They weigh the same, meaning that there is no difference. The two loads would precisely balance on a symmetrical see-saw. Mathematically, the sum of their weights is twice the weight of either one, each is equivalent to 100% of the other, and the difference between their weights is zero. Expressed as a ratio, the weight of the bricks divided by the weight of the feathers is equal to the unity fraction (1/1 = 1), and its reciprocal is the selfsame number. As an exponential operation, the square of either one singly is equal to the product of their individual weights. If a passerby asked you for the weight of the feathers and you cleverly quoted the weight of the bricks instead, the fellow could not detect your trick. The two are in all ways truly indistinguishable, and you may freely substitute one for the other for any purpose or application.

What ways more a pound of steel balls or a pound of feathers?

Their weights are identical, namely 1 pound.

Which ways more a pound of feathers or a pound of lead?

Since each substance weighs a pound, they weigh the same amount.

How many bricks would you lay to cover 100 square feet?

metric common 60 bricks / sqm imperial common 52 / sq m

What are some of the ways all penguins are alike?

They lay eggs and have feathers.

What can soft cheese be substituted for in a vegan diet?

Tofu in many forms. There are ways to make it more cheese-like, such as by adding umeboshi paste and herbs. If you search for "tofu soft cheese recipe" online you'll find lots of options for making types of soft cheese with tofu.

How to get bricks in Harvest Moon A New Beginning?

There are a few ways to get bricks. You can sometimes find them in stumps, by hitting the Giving Trees, on the floor of the mine, and by hitting the rocks in the mine.