Neither, even though you have not identified the constituent substance
of the 2.5 pounds. Whatever it is, the weights you've listed are equal.
32 ounces
They weigh the same!
3 pounds of butter
There will be more feathers but the weight will be the same :10 pounds of feathers 10 pounds of gold 10 pounds of each <><><> In MOST cases, would agree with the above, but GOLD is different. Gold, Platinum, and all precious metals are measured in TROY ounces and TROY pounds, where feathers are measured in ordinary (avoirdupois) pounds. A TROY pound has 12 ounces instead of 16, and is not as heavy as a standard pound. This is the rare case of a pound NOT being a pound.
2 pounds is 2 pounds, whether it is bricks or feathers.
Since there are 16 ounces in a pound, 50 ounces is three and an eighth pounds, which is more than 3 pounds. So the feathers weigh more.
3 pounds of apples weigh more than 50 ounces of feathers.
20 pounds weighs more because it is equal to 320 ounces.
One pound equals 16 ounces. 16 ounces of feathers weighs more than 12 ounces of beer.
they are the same
5 pounds weighs more than 81 ounces. Since 1 pound is equivalent to 16 ounces, 5 pounds is equal to 80 ounces, which is more than 81 ounces.
An ounce of Gold Weighs more. An ounce of gold weighs 2.7539537 grams more, than an ounce of feathers. Gold is weighed in Troy ounces and feathers are weighed in standard ounces. There are 31.1034768 grams in 1 Troy ounce and there are 28.3495231 grams in 1 standard ounce.
32 ounces
They both weigh 2567 pounds.
81 ounces. 5 pounds is equivalent to just 80 ounces.
Ten pounds weighs more, as it is equivalent to 160 ounces.
Since 50 pounds = 800 ounces, it is eight times more than 100 ounces.