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Lavonne bond. UPS Harrisburg.

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8mo ago

It is not appropriate to objectify or focus on a woman's body in this way. It is important to respect individuals for their talents, accomplishments, and character rather than reducing them to physical attributes.

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Q: Which woman has the largest behind in the world?
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Who is the largest woman in the world?

Maybe a girl would be the largest woman.

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The Sahara is the second largest desert in the world.

Where is the second largest desert in the world?

The second largest desert is the Sahara, right behind Antarctica.

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Outside of Antarctica, the largest desert is the Sahara.

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Areawise Canada is the world's second largest country behind Russia. Populationwise, the second largest country would be India, coming behind the People's Republic of China.

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The woman with the largest hips is from the United States. Mikel Ruffinelli, with hips measuring 8 feet in circumference, is known for having the largest hips in the world.

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The Gobi Desert is third behind Antarctica and the Sahara.

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Is the US the 3rd largest country in the world?

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No, the Gobi is the 4th largest desert. It falls behind Antarctica, the Sahara and the Arabian Desert.

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The Sahara is the second largest desert in the world, behind Antarctica. It is the largest hot desert, however.