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It was nicoholas capernicum


The earliest known person to write that the Earth moved around the Sun was the Greek astronomer and mathematician, Aristarchus of Samos.

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Nicolaus Copernicus was the first to propose the heliocentric model, stating that the planets revolve around the sun in the 16th century.

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Q: Who first said that the planets revolved around the sun was?
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Who said that earth and all of the planets revolved around the sun?

Nicolaus Copernicus.

What did the geocentric theory say?

It said that the Earth was in the center and the Sun, Moon, and other planets revolved around it. But this theory was wrong.

The astronomer who first said that the earth and the planets revolved around the Sun was?

Nicolaus Copernicus was the astronomer who first proposed the heliocentric model of the solar system, where the Earth and other planets revolve around the Sun. His work "On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres" laid the foundation for modern astronomy.

Who said the earth revolved around the sun?

Nicholaus Copernicus first hypothesized that the sun is the center of the universe and planets revolve around it with his heliocentric model. Kepler discovered ellipses (the orbits of of the planets with the sun at one focus).

How has the historical model of the solar system helped to bring about technological devrlopments?

The first model of the solar system was the geocentric model that said that the planets revolved around the earth. All of the calculations came out correct, so when Galileo came up with his heliocentric model of the universe, he got much resistance. The heliocentric model said that the planets revolved around the sun. Also, Galileo thought that the planets revolved in perfect circles, which threw off his calculations. It turned out that the planets revolved in ellipses, and once this was discovered, the calculations panned out. This is considered a paradigm shift, going from one widely accepted view to another. This has set the stage for many subsequent paradigm shifts.

Who said earth revolved around sun?

Galileo Galilei.

Who did life revolve around in the middle ages?

I think it would depend on who you asked. A serf might say life revolved about his lord. The lord might say life revolved around the king. The king might have said live revolved around the pope. And a pope might have said life properly revolved around the congregation, which was mostly made up of serfs.

Ho said the earth revolved around the sun?

Galileo, I think.

Did Galileo go to jail?

Yes because he went against the church. The church believed everything revolved around the Earth, but Galileo said everything revolved around the sun.

What is the main difference between geocentric and helicentric models of the solar system?

Geocentric model that was prevalent in the middle ages said that the Earth was in the center of the solar system (in fact of the universe) and all other planets revolved around it. Modern science says that in the solar system the Sun is at the center and all its planets revolve around it.

Who said the earth revovled around the sun?

Nicolaus Copernicus proposed the idea that the Earth revolved around the Sun in his book "De revolutionibus orbium coelestium" published in 1543. This heliocentric model of the solar system challenged the prevailing geocentric view of the time.

What scientist and mathematicians said the universe revolved around the earth?

Almost all scientists and mathematicians until the Renaissance.