It's subjective, as different wrestlers have different finishers. Some popular choices for strongest finishers include Brock Lesnar's F-5, Roman Reigns's Spear, and Randy Orton's RKO. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference.
Strongest = validissimus There are several possible choices for strongest -the context is all-important.
Diamond is considered the strongest mineral because of its hardness on the Mohs scale, which is a 10 out of 10. This means that it is extremely resistant to scratching or abrasion.
bloom is the strongest
Which sentence sounds the strongest?
She was the strongest person I had ever met, both physically and emotionally.
worlds strongest slam?
currently the 619. it is said it can break ur arms and stop breathing if rey lands on you unaccurately
overheat is the best finisher but i would say blast burn
The 3 amigos 1st finisher Lasso from El Passo 2nd finisher Frog Splash 3rd finisher
his finisher is trouble in paradise
You can create nearly every finisher using create-a-finisher.
how do you do a double powerbomb finisher in legends of wrestling how do you do a double powerbomb finisher in legends of wrestling how do you do a double powerbomb finisher in legends of wrestling
the opponent has to be laying on their back then get close to them with your finisher and it will say finisher and press the button that does your finisher. ps. this works for all platforms: Ps2,Wii,Ps3,Xbox360,Psp
Hunico's finisher-=senton bomb >:l
when creating a move set for your wrestler go to the finishers section and select created finisher. Select the one you want to use and set it as a finisher. When you are in a match execute the finisher as you would normally. For a regular created finisher you need to be in front of your opponent and either strong grapple them and execute the finisher as normal, if its a diving move knock your opponent to the floor and go to the top rople and execute your finisher.
brian kendricks finisher is sliced bread no.2
Stone cold finisher is more stronger cause its more painful then the rock finisher