Strongest = validissimus There are several possible choices for strongest -the context is all-important.
Diamond is considered the strongest mineral because of its hardness on the Mohs scale, which is a 10 out of 10. This means that it is extremely resistant to scratching or abrasion.
bloom is the strongest
Which sentence sounds the strongest?
She was the strongest person I had ever met, both physically and emotionally.
The Assyrian Empire had the strongest and most deadliest military force of Ancient Mesopotamia.
yes they are Assyrians conquered half of earth almost every country that existed back then. however someone from the royal family had betrayed our kingdom so the kingdom had fallen to the unknown.
'To the strongest'. It could be implied that, not having nominated a successor, this was his challenge to the aspirants.
Ideally the emperors were chosen by inheritance. A reigning emperor would appoint his successor. However sometimes an emperor died without designating an heir and then the man with the strongest military backing took over.Ideally the emperors were chosen by inheritance. A reigning emperor would appoint his successor. However sometimes an emperor died without designating an heir and then the man with the strongest military backing took over.Ideally the emperors were chosen by inheritance. A reigning emperor would appoint his successor. However sometimes an emperor died without designating an heir and then the man with the strongest military backing took over.Ideally the emperors were chosen by inheritance. A reigning emperor would appoint his successor. However sometimes an emperor died without designating an heir and then the man with the strongest military backing took over.Ideally the emperors were chosen by inheritance. A reigning emperor would appoint his successor. However sometimes an emperor died without designating an heir and then the man with the strongest military backing took over.Ideally the emperors were chosen by inheritance. A reigning emperor would appoint his successor. However sometimes an emperor died without designating an heir and then the man with the strongest military backing took over.Ideally the emperors were chosen by inheritance. A reigning emperor would appoint his successor. However sometimes an emperor died without designating an heir and then the man with the strongest military backing took over.Ideally the emperors were chosen by inheritance. A reigning emperor would appoint his successor. However sometimes an emperor died without designating an heir and then the man with the strongest military backing took over.Ideally the emperors were chosen by inheritance. A reigning emperor would appoint his successor. However sometimes an emperor died without designating an heir and then the man with the strongest military backing took over.
The Chaldeans rebelled against the Assyrians.
5679 successor
According to Peano's axioms, in either system, it is the successor to the successor to the successor to the successor to the successor to 0.
assyrian caravans were in 1600 B.C. and they were used by Assyrians
The Chaldeans rebelled against the Assyrians.
The Chaldeans rebelled against the Assyrians.
The Chaldeans rebelled against the Assyrians.
Assyrians (DarkTears)