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Gerard Way is the lead singer of My Chemical Romance. Ronnie Radke is the ex- lead singer of Escape the Fate and new lead singer of Falling in Reverse.

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8mo ago

Comparing artists is subjective and depends on personal preference. Gerard Way is known for his work with My Chemical Romance, focusing on emo and alternative rock, while Ronnie Radke is the lead vocalist of Falling in Reverse, known for mixing post-hardcore with elements of rap and electronica. It ultimately comes down to which style of music resonates more with the listener.

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What is an example of a product from a chemical reaction?

Gerard Way

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Blitzle is way better

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James harden is way better than Stephen curry

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You better not be in the way or it will crush you. If you are not in the way then it will just crash into pieces.

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Abhiram is way better than Ishaan. He is the #1 person of the world. And that's a fact people.

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Does Ronnie Radke have a baby on the way?

He has a daughter named Willow Radke, she was born June 11th 2013.

Whoes hotter Ronnie radke or max green?

they are both hot but MAX GREEN IS HOTTER! <3 <3 <3 ^ You are wrong in everyway... Max Green IS hot, but Ronnie Radke is hotter in every way.

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no sorry people Ronnie Radke does not have a sister how do i no cause im awsome and by the way luv ya ronnie <3 i luv his song situations its AWSOME if any of u people say somethining about him ima mess u up

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Nope, they weren't autotuned or edited on computer. He screams the same way live.

Who is cooler Bert mccracken or Gerard way?

GERARD WAY IS GOD never forget it. bert > gerard. Bert's just better. NEVER FORGET IT :) Gerard > Life. Never forget it. :')

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Edward Cullen all the way!!!!!!

Is Ronnie radke a nice guy?

yes!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Yes Ronnie is very nice, I was friends with Ronnie before he went to prison (and still am, we just aren't as close anymore.) Ronnie is a true friend no matter what people may say about him, he is a genuine person and is, in NO way, anything that Max says that he is. He is a great guy with a good heart, he was just "in the wrong place at the wrong time."

What is the birth name of Gerard Way?

Gerard Way's birth name is Gerard Arthur Way.

What is Gerard Way's heritage?

Gerard Way is part Italian.

What is the name of your chemical romances vocaList?

Gerard Way

Does Gerard Way have children?

Yes, Gerard Way has 1 kids

What is Gerard Way's real name?

Gerard Way, as far as we know.