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It depends on the situation. Breloom is better in battles requiring quick, strategic moves due to its Grass/Fighting typing and ability to learn useful moves like Spore. Slaking, on the other hand, has incredibly high Attack stats but is hindered by its ability Truant, which causes it to skip every other turn. Ultimately, both can be strong in their own right depending on how they are utilized in battle.

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Q: Who is better breloom or slaking?
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Sceptile is way better than Breloom. Swampert is better than Sharpedo, Swampert is also a Ground type.

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Does the Pokemon breloom evolve?

no, breloom doesnt evolve. shroomish evolves in to breloom but that's it

When does breloom evolve?

Breloom doesn't evolve.

Does breloom evolve on Pokemon Emerald?

Breloom is the last evolution. It does not evolve further.

At what level do you evolves to slaking?

u dont slaking doesnt evolve. but a vigoroth evolves into slaking at lvl 32

What type of Pokemon is Breloom?

Breloom is a Grass and Fighting type pokemon.

Does breloom evolve in pokemon?

Breloom does not evolve, but it is the evolved form of Shroomish.

Does breloom evolve again?

Unfortunately, no it doesn't. Breloom is the last level. It no longer evolves.

Where to find a slaking in SoulSilver?

You cannot find Slaking in Soul Silver. To get one, you must capture a Slakoth by headbutting trees on route 25. Then evolve it into a Slaking. Or you could get a friend to trade you a slaking or you could transfer a Slaking from a Gen 3 game into Soul Silver via Pal Park.